View Full Version : Menzerna IP or 1Z PP?

Mr Big Bass
08-18-2004, 12:40 AM
Ok... I have both Menzerna IP and 1Z PP.... I have some light scratches and webbing. What is more effective and if i use an orange pad to start do I need to follow with a white pad using the same product?

08-18-2004, 12:43 AM
i have used 1z pp with a white pad with good results.. took out most of the swirls, and scratches... i was glad i did not have to resort to an orange cutting pad... but if u feel the need.. i wouldnt see any problem.. might leave some micro marring or dullness (not sure), but that can be fixed with 1zmp with the white pad afterwards anyway...

08-18-2004, 06:26 AM
I always use FP as a last step during polishing. It is water based and helps to remove any fillers/oils/waxes in the previous polishes used. It does an exceptional job at bringing up the shine on the paint before applying any sealants, glazes and waxws. After that I then AIO and anything missed by FP is sure to go with the AIO.