View Full Version : Leaf Blower

08-06-2004, 10:47 PM
I just bought a leaf blower to dry my car Today. I am starting with the 150MPH one to see how it goes. Worked great after testing it.

I was very tempted to get a Tim Allen style gas powered 250MPH blower. ;)

08-06-2004, 10:57 PM
It should work great, it does for me! Another trick for drying, jack up your car on each side separatly, doesent take too long eather.

08-07-2004, 09:38 AM
I was thinking of using my leaf blower the next time I wash my vehicles. Mines rated at 125 mph. I usually just drive the vehicle around the block or somewhere I can go 50 mph. Question: Do you people think that using blowers will cause any damage? Like say you use it on your mirrors on the drivers/passenger side. I was wondering if too much force could maybe wreck it?

08-07-2004, 11:17 AM
Buy the unit with the highest velocity and flow rate you can afford, although I would stay away from a gas unit. The exhaust from a gas unit is typically mixed with the airstream or directed in the direction of the airstream. I`ve found the gas units can leave an oily film.

08-07-2004, 12:23 PM
I also use a leaf blower to dry my car and it works great. No water spots and you can get into the cracks and crevices easily.

08-07-2004, 02:32 PM
Hey great idea!! I drive my car around and try to hit at least 65.This gets all the water out of the cracks and crevices.

I always worry about going through a patch of bugs though:doh


imported_Dave Holmes
08-08-2004, 03:08 AM
My Craftsman is rated at 195 mph, and does a very good job of blowing water out of cracks, mirrors, etc... I found it is great for my black plastic grille to prevent water spots on it, and my tires.

I don`t use it to blow dry the entire car. I use a WW first for everything I can get to. Then I do one trip around the car, blowing all moldings, cracks, mirrors, handles, and rims/tires. I then get my WW again, and walk around one more time to get any drops blown out on the surface. When done with this, I then wipe out door jambs, and my tires get dressed.

Makes drying easy and efficient. Also makes neighbors wonder about my mental status, but I`ve since explained the reasoning to them, and they "understand".

I avoid driving my car after washing until it is thoroughly dry. I`ve found driving a wet car allows the dust/dirt kicked up from the road surface to stick to the wet surface. And if one were to finish drying it when they get back, they`ll be grinding that dirt in to the paint, marring the surface.


08-12-2004, 02:34 PM
I used to do this all the time, and also after I hosed down the engine, until my blower broke and I never got a new one. :(

Bill D
08-12-2004, 02:37 PM

I`ve been using that car dryer on the engine compartment for drying clean ups, and it works very well, The rubber hose can bend to fit in tight spots. I`m so happy I got and only for $18 :bow

08-12-2004, 03:31 PM
I have been using leaf blower for 2 years never noticed any adverse affects

Bill D
08-12-2004, 03:35 PM
Leaf blower is what I used before. Only trouble I ever had with it is, its larger than that car dryer and you really should check and make sure the attachments are on real tight, I had the end attachment on the stiff hose blow off and fall on the engine a few times.No damage or anything, just annoying, I guess mine loosens up more than average

08-12-2004, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Xtreme-Klean

I just bought a leaf blower to dry my car Today. I am starting with the 150MPH one to see how it goes. Worked great after testing it.

I was very tempted to get a Tim Allen style gas powered 250MPH blower. ;)

This is among the best things I ever discovered :up

I use it right after the CWB, then finish spot drying with a towel.

08-12-2004, 04:32 PM
I used a leaf blower a few times on my AV.It worked pretty good at blowing the water out of the mirrors and out from under the sail panels.But to do the whole thing would just blow the large water drops into little water drops,which would dry very quickly into lots and lots of little water spots by the time I would finish drying it with the WW.:(