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08-05-2004, 11:40 PM
Well I finnally got my dream truck. 4 door, 4 wheel drive, short box chevy, white. I bought it with 26k miles on it. the day I got it home I washed it of course really trying to make it look super. While washing I saw really fine rust particles. So I got a little RUBBING COMPOUND, on a towl and went at it. Took it right off, washed the truck waxed it and was happy. But at night OH MY GOD what have I done, fine swirls and scratches everywhere. No after much reading I use clay bar, I have started to detail out of my drive way and I am getting pretty good, and getting quite a reputation around the area. Now back to my truck, I just bought a PC. I still need to get the backing plate and some pads for it. I bought some Machine glaze today made by evercoat. What color pad do you reccomend to take these swirls out? Thanks in advance.

08-05-2004, 11:47 PM
1- wash

2 clay (mothers, 3m, claymagic are good)

3- PCw/ white pad and Meg`s swirl mark remover or 3m machine glaze. i`ve never used evercoat

08-06-2004, 12:40 AM
If you`re not sure, try the mildest product/pad combination that you think might work FIRST. You can always step up in aggressiveness, but as you found, it can be bad to use something too strong prematurely.

Something like Jeeper`s solution is a good place to start. Or maybe a retail scratch remover.

By the way, welcome to Autopia. :welcome

08-06-2004, 02:13 AM
Thanks. I will use a white pad, the machine glaze I bought is very mild, will do very little by hand. Thats why I will be using it with my new PC.

08-31-2004, 12:19 PM
No go ! The glaze I bought must be to mild. It did very little after aboout 5 min. I guess I will try another company;s glaze, any suggestions, these fine scratches are really staring to bug me.:mad:

08-31-2004, 12:23 PM
a glaze will only temporarily fill in the scratches and swirls, you`ll need to get a polish with some mild abrasives like Menzerna IP or FP, Poorboys SSR`s, 1z`s line, Megs DACP etc..

08-31-2004, 01:08 PM
poorboys ssr2.5 and poorboys ssr1 both with polishing pads

09-01-2004, 12:11 PM
2.5 is pretty aggressive I`ve found in my experiences. I`d recommend SSR 1 and only step up to 2.5 if necessary. Anything that makes a scratchy sound (2.5 does) as it`s being applied is a little scary in my mind. I`m a newbie too though, so I don`t claim to know everything.

Demon Detailer
09-01-2004, 12:33 PM
My best suggestion is to use System One. You can find them online. You might have a body shop supply store in your area that carries the product.

It is a one step product used in body shops. If you use it with an agressive pad, it will remove heavy scratches. If you use it with a mild foam pad it will create a perfect finish. It doesn`t hide the swirls / scratches, it will actually remove them.

You don`t have to guess which product will be strong enough to remove the marks, yet not strong enough to mar the paint surface. All you have to do is change the pad you are using to get the abrasiveness you need.

Then you can go over the vehicle with any product you like to seal and protect the paint.

I color sanded and buffed out a pantera with the product. To see if it was just hiding the scratches, I took some body solvent and wiped down the paint with a micro-fiber. It looked the same. The finish was flawless.

09-08-2004, 12:34 AM
No luck so far. Am using a blue pad on my 7424 at about 3.0-4.0 with 3m FII perfect it, still not any better, I have a green pad I will try which is a little more abrassive, I have some megiers (sp?) fine cut, It is rated a 7 on the label I will try this next, I am starting to get Pi$$ed now, I don`t want to wheel it, I would like to do it my self.

09-08-2004, 11:00 AM
Is SSR 1.0 comparable to Meguiar`s #9?

09-08-2004, 11:04 AM
SSR 1 is pretty mild... I haven`t used Meg`s so I can`t compare but from having used SSR 1 it`s quite mild.

I`d go out and get a bottle of SSR 1 and SSR 2.5. First try SSR 1 and see what results you get - I think SSR 1`s mild enough that you don`t have to fear it. If SSR 1 isn`t working then pull out the 2.5 which will almost certainly clear up any swirls you have. It`s quite abrasive though so use with caution!

09-08-2004, 12:47 PM
Well, I was wondering because I have #9 in my supply, and just ordered SSR2.5 to use before using #9 on some swirls.

I didn`t want to buy another equivalent to #9 until I was out of it.... I`m not going to order SSR1.0 now I`d have to pay another $8 shipping :mad:

I guess I`ll find out when I get the 2.5SSR and try it with a follow up of #9.

09-08-2004, 12:58 PM
Those dust particle are probably rail dust and are probably still embedded into the paint. I would for sure use a claybar on it to make sure you get them out and not just polish the rust off.

09-08-2004, 01:07 PM
I think I have found success. I tried Meigiers #1, Perfect it II, and swirl remover with an LC blue pad, and I wasn`t gaining any ground. Then I tried the #1 with a green LC pad and BOOM, After about 3 mins total almost all of my fine scratches were gone. I will be able to tell better tonite in the lights, because the color is white it is hard to see durring the day. I never realized the difference a different pad make`s. If this looks good tonite maybe i will try the green pad with the perfect it II, if that dosen`t work i will keepp what I have. I have also releaved some of the blame I placed on my self as far as going over the whole truck with rubbing compound and a rag, it seems the previous owner liked to either use the brushes at the quarter car was or never rinsed his brush, the fine scratch`s are in the hood also and I never touched the hood, Thanks for everyone`s help I will post some pics when I get her all cleaned up.:)