View Full Version : Help with products and process

08-05-2004, 02:57 AM
I am about to order my products, a complete overhall. This car probably has never been polished. Here is a pic of the swirls.


I have been researching and posting a bunch on here. This should be my last thread on this. Lets start at the beginning.

EO wet wash

Clay Magic

EO wet car wash

Completely dry

For polishes, I will try to do them by hand (I have a good idea of how to do this) before I invest in a pc.

What would you recommend to use by hand for polishes for my swirls? I was thinking SSR2.5, SSR1, S100 SECP. What can you recommed for the 1z polishing line for my swirls? I have heard that 1z polishes are good to use by hand. I may later convert to pc also. I am very willing to spend a whole day just polishing if needed to save 200$ on pads and a pc for now. We will see how I feel about that after I do this. :p

After polishing, I would like to keep a brighter red when sealing and waxing, I have noticed that many sealers and waxes darken the color a lot, I would like to keep this to a minimem. I have noticed nxt and AIO (separatly) darken too much for my tastes for example. Perhaps wolfgang sealent and s100 if wanted? Wolfgang look amazing on gsrstyle`s red integra, I may go with that.

For applicators and MF, I have right now 3 usable khaki buffing towels and a UDT. I will get 5 more buffing/scrubing towels from pakshak, 1-2 glass towels, 1 pint microrestore, 1 pro detailing towel to try out and 2-3 MF applicators, I have one foam applicator also for paint (others for interior and trim application with 303)

I think that is about it. I have more pictures if needed. Feel free to criticize, give advice, ask questions etc.

Thanks for looking.

08-05-2004, 03:00 PM
Oh yea, I need a good QD to order also.

08-05-2004, 05:43 PM
anyone have any comments or tips?

08-05-2004, 05:54 PM
Polishes: VM, PwC, Tropi-Care should be pretty good by hand. For the 1Z try PP, MPW. Use a MF applicator. I don`t think your going to get those out by hand, but I guess you can try.

Sealants/Waxes: EX, EX-P, Glanz Wax, S100, PBs Natty`s Try them and see which one`s you like on your paint.

QD: Quik Shine, FI, FD, Crystal Mist

08-05-2004, 11:39 PM
I have a good idea for how to polish by hand, thanks though.

08-06-2004, 11:30 AM
mnbv- You can pretty much flip a coin between the PoorBoy`s and 1Z polishes, you won`t go wrong with either.

I do like the 1Z stuff, and I believe it leaves a very "clear" finish, something you might appreciate since you don`t want to darken the paint. In my experience, sealants often *do* darken it slightly (I compare my two silver Audis, same paint, with different products on them). Since BF and UPP both darken the paint a bit, the WG might do it too.

Using a natural wax or maybe EX-P might give you the look you`re after. I always seem to recommend Meg`s #16 for jobs like this...

Oh, and as for your not minding spending all day, sometimes you can spend *several* days even when using machines! This stuff can take a long time, at least when you`re doing the first big job.

08-06-2004, 11:54 AM
Yes #16 after polishing with#80 looks great on red.I`ve gotten more compliments and jaws dropping on it.Although I don`t think to many here would think so.:nixweiss

08-06-2004, 01:34 PM
I`ve used SSR 2.5 and followed up with Tropi-Care`s Swirl Cutter and been very happy with the results. On some heavily scratched/swirled vehicles, I`ve done some SSR 3, SSR 2.5 and finished up with the TC Swirl Cutter and the results have been excellent.

Unfortunately I dont have any of the 1Z stuff to compare against but the above combination has worked better than anything else I have on my supply shelf.

08-06-2004, 03:43 PM
Hmm, for polishes it is eather PB`s or 1Z. this is what autopia`s shop said about UPP:

Einszett Ultra Paint Polish is a paint cleaner and medium cut rubbing compound for dull and weathered paintwork.

I would use that (even though not interested in the paint cleaning part as I will be claying) and then PP to follow:

Einszett Paint Polish is a general purpose polish and cleaner for lightly oxidized paintwork in good condition. By hand, Einszett Paint Polish gently cleans, reduces swirl marks and enhances gloss.

I could eather go that route or go with SSR2.5, SSR1, here is a description I found on autogeek:

Swirl Remover 2.5—more than a polish, less than a compound—is heavy enough to effectively handle surface blemishes such as swirls, oxidation, fine scratches


SSR1: The pink lotion gently takes out light swirls, oxidation, fine scratches

After getting out most of the swirls with eather on of those, I will get a precleaner for the sealent like: VM, speed glaze, hand glaze or wolfgang pre-wax (sealent in my case) polish to really prep the paint well. It`s all in the prep right? Most of these really fine polishes fill swirls and create more gloss, not a bad thing!

Right now it is eather wolfgang or EX-P for a sealent, both leave a great finish that I have seen. wolfgang looked a bit better on red (I have only seen one pic though). It was not as wet looking, but glowed a lot more. choices choices...

I will probably be topping with a good wax, I am thinking of S100 over one of those sealents to try. If I do use a topping wax, I will need a QD to lengthen the life of the wax and to reduce washings needed, I heard sonus was good for this. What would you guys reccomend out of what I have listed?

08-06-2004, 09:12 PM
I agree with pretty much everything Accumulator said.

I say Poorboy`s Polishes (haven`t used 1z). I`d do 2.5, then 1 for final polishing.

EX-P will not darken your paint and is a great sealant (clear and wet appearance). Also, to top it, try S100 or #16, they will not darken either.

As far as Wolfgang, if I remember correctly, it didn`t really darken the finish, but left a very `glowing` appearance.

Either sealant, a great choice.

Good Luck!

08-06-2004, 09:47 PM
I will hand polish with poorboys polishes I have decided, 2.5 then 1. Before I seal, what would you reccomend for a pre-sealent cleaner/very fine polish? I figure this will fill in any swirls that I can`t get out by hand (for now).

I may get both wolfgang and EX-P, I love the look of both and I would love to try both. Your avaitar is with wolfgang 3x. :up

I`ll try s100 to top.

What about a QD for the products that I am using?

One more thing, for hand polishing I know I will be using many terry cloth applicators for that. For the pre-sealent, I assume MF applicator, same (not same one) for the sealent and wax? I will be getting this from packshak, and the rest from autogeek. I have a feeling this will turn out great. I am also getting a halogen light to make sure I get everything. :xyxthumbs