View Full Version : EX-P Saved My Windshield...

10-19-2004, 08:51 PM
... at least that`s my story and I`m stickin` to it. :cool

Most of my mileage is highway, and I use sealers on windshields for protection... PP & EX-P x2 with last detail. Great in rain, too.

Today at speed I got nailed by the rock from hell. It sounded like a .45 went off inside the cabin, and that`s not much of a stretch.

Its raining, and from the inside out I couldn`t see any damage... all the way back to the office I`m thinking it hit the roof. :eek

Found the impact in the upper right section of the windshield. Three deep pits filled with pulverized glass, but no cracks or hairlines.

One of my clients owns a glass shop. He couldn`t believe all three pits didn`t split wide open! I give all the credit to EX-P. :bigups :bigups

10-19-2004, 09:01 PM
So you don`t think MB deserves any of the credit?
Or maybe AMG uses high performance glass in their process.


10-19-2004, 09:14 PM
Could be :dunno Glass shop works with MB/AMG... he didn`t think it would`ve survived on its own.

10-20-2004, 07:56 AM
haha... id love to wax and layer my windows... beats taking off shutters and plywood...

10-20-2004, 02:53 PM
:rolling that is too funny!!!

10-20-2004, 09:50 PM
OK , first I heard of that happening.

I know damn well Steve has great product`s but ............?????

Steve , when is the EX-BP coming out ??? (Bulletproof Polymer) to protect against any drive by shooting`s .

E43Sport, Just messin with ya ...lol atleast the damage was minimum and it was not worse.

10-21-2004, 02:44 AM
My previous car had it`s windshield ruted by everyday driving with no protection. Driving behind trucks was my problem. The amount of pits, scratches, chips and the texture of the glass was awful
With my current car which was built same time as the other one and same model but with less mileage, I have put a layer of sealant on the exterior glass (after claying, SSR and polishing to prep it) every time I detail
Reckon that EX-P is the best for glass of the sealants I have which include Four star, Omikron Bodyseal, Dura Glaze, Wolfgang DGPS, Magnum Top Gear lustre power and klasse sg.

Will be getting diamondite system soon, interesting to see how that goes

10-21-2004, 02:08 PM
Gonna have to give this a shot for the winter :)