View Full Version : Has anyone ever used Colourshield International?

Aussie Muscle
08-03-2004, 05:56 PM
Hi everyone.

In Australia there is a product that is little know about but claiming big results. The product is called Coloursheild International. The only allowed Australian distributor tells me this product is huge in the U.S.A. and Canada, and also claims it has sent Ming/Wax Guard bankrupt in the U.S.A. also because this stuff is so good.

The product appears to be made by Autocom Systems, and also has a "Gard Group" label on the bottles.

The distributor here claims that your car will not need polishing or waxing for 5yrs and comes with a full 5yr warranty to back up the claim. I applied this product in January 2003 and all I ever did was wash my car in the Neuteral ph Car Wash Solution they supply and recommend you wash it. They claim because it contains "teflon" it`s easy to clean and dirt/road grime etc etc just wipes straight off. I must admit I was happy with it as it bought out a great lustue, brilliant definition and wet-look. I took the product off my car in June this year as I applied Zaino Brothers product. I`m a paint freak, and I always prefer that fresh just waxed appearance. I was very happy with the Zaino (just dissapointed with Sal`s lack of help when trying to obtain some over here and told basically to bugger off and buy it from someone either in Germany or Japan )

I have since read on another well known car care forum that "teflon" is only useful if applied at over 700 degress celcius (sorry people not sure of the degrees celcius to farenheight conversion). This Coloursheild International product claims it`s used and recommended by the U.S. Navy on all warships.

I was just wondering if anyone on the forum has used this product and if so what are your thoughts on it? Is what the Australian distributor telling me in regards to it being so popular in the U.S absolute and also in regards to it bankrupting Ming/Wax Guard or is this product the "bees knees" so to speak and the new next generation in paint treatment and protection?

I am now a user of Zaino and quite happy, however if the owner of Zaino doesn`t start to satisfy the Australian market then I will have no choice but to return back to using Swissol "Mystery"

For those that have never heard of it, this is their websitewww.colourshield.com

Basically what I`m trying to find out is this product so well know in the U.S.A. and are the claims the distributor over here is making is true? I have searched many websites and no one seems to have heard of this product and I don`t want to be "led down the garden path" so to speak.

Thank you all for your valuable time, comments and help:)

Steve A
08-03-2004, 06:15 PM
It`s sold in the US as 5 Star Shine. The patent # is the same.

"If it sounds to good to be true....."

Some folks here have tried it and not been too impressed.

Aussie Muscle
08-05-2004, 05:48 AM
Thanks for the information Steve A, greatly appreciated :)

It appears we over here down under are being fed garbage and you are dead right it`s the same product just a different label :nono. I`m glad I found this out. I can see from other topics in regards to 5 STAR SHINE there are a lot of unhappy people out there and I`m one of those too.

I have spoken to my solicitor today and I`m now looking at taking legal action because the Colourshield site states in the opening paragraph it contains "TEFLON" and it doesn`t. I bought the product on the beleif it had TEFLON and would work the same way on my car as TEFLON does on frying pans and other cooking wear, however it certainly does not as TEFLON is marketed as a non-stick sealant :mad: :angry

I`m more than happy I`m now a converted Zaino user :bow

08-06-2004, 07:07 PM
Coulourshield is not the same as 5 Star shine. It is an inferior attempt at copying. 5 Star Shine has an exclusive US Patent that contains teflon. Search the forums of these sites under `star shine` and you`ll see many reviews etc.




If you have any ?`s please email or respnd to this thread.


Aussie Muscle
08-07-2004, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by chadster

Coulourshield is not the same as 5 Star shine. It is an inferior attempt at copying. 5 Star Shine has an exclusive US Patent that contains teflon. Search the forums of these sites under `star shine` and you`ll see many reviews etc.




If you have any ?`s please email or respnd to this thread.


That may be so, however why does Colourshield International use the same patent number, and most of the advertising material from 5 Star Shine then? That would have to be breaches of the patent owned by 5 Star Shine would it not? The advertising material and content is identical in numerous places, most notebly the article on the U.S. War ships, and also comments from people whom have used both Colourshield and 5 Star Shine in the U.S.A. There are enourmos similarities between the two companies.

08-12-2004, 11:20 AM
Aussie Muscle,

I checked with the owner of the company and it turns out that Colourshield is the international distributer of 5 Star Shine.

There could have been a bad batch that was applied to your car. Were you sold 5 Star through a dealership? If so you should go back to them and explain the situation and they should fix it.

I am a little confused because you said in your first post that you were happy with the product but then have since switched.

I have explained the process of using teflon and how it is applied and adheres to the paint surface in many other threads on www.nicoclub.com and www.honda-acura.net

Check them out if you have ?`s regarding the process.
