View Full Version : new to car detailing

08-01-2004, 02:22 AM
hey guys,

all ive done to my car so far was wash it with zymol. it really needs a wax bad and im new to detailing the car. my car needs a nice complete detailing. so ive looked to Zaino. but after looking at this site and getting overloaded with information, im really confused. i thought zaino was one of the best, which it still might be but i see that a lot of people here like 1Z better. is that right? should i order a 1Z complete kit instead of a Zaino complete kit? i had my eye on the zaino kit but after looking at reviews the 1Z sounds pretty nice. i really dont know what to pick.... hoping you guys could help me out cuz i really need to polish my car.

08-01-2004, 08:47 AM
LOL, what you`ve done by asking "What should I buy" is like a contestant on The Price Is Right turning to the audience and asking "What should I bid?"

BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING. Click on the "learn" link above.

It`s not about product, it`s about process. Master the process, and the products become personal preference.

If you don`t want to go overboard, here is a link (http://www.lvmoc.net/article.php?story=20040607221802476) to an article I wrote for my local club, outlining "how to" for those who just want to keep their cars shiny without getting all obsessive. If you poke around the site, you will also find part 2, for those who want to get a bit obsessive.


08-01-2004, 09:29 AM
Zaino is a great product, but if i were you i would look at the 1z line. For someone new to detailing i think the 1z line is more straight forward and user friendly. Inorder for you to use the zaino system you would need to prep your car with a polish like one from the 1z line anyway to clean your paint, remove swirls and other defects.

08-01-2004, 09:35 AM
Tell us about the condition of your paint , is it swirled? some light scratches? Does it feel like sand paper? The more descriptive you are the better we can help :xyxthumbs

08-01-2004, 07:50 PM
Moved to AU. :)

08-01-2004, 08:05 PM
Tom nice article.

08-06-2004, 07:33 PM
i guess theres some light scratches. not sure about swirls. i had the car for a long time, about 1.5 to 2 years and i never waxed it! just washed it. i really really want to wax up this car soon and clay bar it and everything. its white paint and my brother has black paint. i want him to split the purchase with me to buy all the stuff. i hope that gives you an idea of how my paint condition is. im just looking for the best product to buy and clean my car with. it seems 1z is a favorite here but im a little biased because i looked at zainobros and always wanted to buy their stuff. im also curious if i should use carnuaba wax to get a deep rich shine. im just so confused! i only like buying the best and like to research everything i buy and get tons of opinions. its just hard to finally make the decision. hopefully you guys can point me in the right direction. thanx.

08-06-2004, 08:05 PM
like Tom said, it`s not about the product, it`s about the process.

there`s tons of good products out there. what is the best for you is up to you. i`ve found looking in the `click & brag` section to be helpful in seeing what products other people are using. but if you`re interested in zaino, maybe do a search for zaino in the `click & brag` section to see what the cars with zaino look like. i remember seeing a few nice ones, and it seems like a really durable product. or do a search for 1Z products. i also heard the klasse twins are just as nice and durable. you could also search for white cars in the `click & brag`.

it is also helpful to post pictures of your car too. that way other members can give suggestion as to what might work on your car. and are you going to get a PC? it will be helpful in removing the light scratches and other paint defects.

good luck and have fun!

*edit - i found this post. might be helpful. white mustang cobra with zaino (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=39735&highlight=zaino+AND+white)

08-07-2004, 07:16 PM
thats my problem. i can never decide which is the better product for me. i think i might just order the whole zaino kit and just stick with that. but then ill never know how 1z works and if it would be better. can you tell me what all the PC and the other acroyms mean on this board? ive seen a lot of them but i dont know what they mean. and i thought zaino is best applied hand because the machine absorbes too much polish, that it absorbs more then polish that is actually applyed to the car.

08-07-2004, 07:45 PM
I absolutely agree, its the process, not the product. When you learn the process you`ll understand. There`s a link to the acronyms, use the process on this site too!

08-08-2004, 01:35 AM
i did a search for "acroyms" and i only found this thread! lol. can u provide a link to those acroyms?

and maybe a link to a webpage that should outline the process i should use to polish and all that good stuff to my car.

i think im gonna go with zaino after doing a search in the brag and click forum. the cars look beautiful. im sure product still matters, just the process helps bring out the potential in the product. lets try and put it this way, if you had a choice of using either 1z or zaino on your car, what would u choose? or maybe a better question, what product is better for what type of result.

08-08-2004, 09:00 AM
If you go to the Autopia home page, the Acronym link is on the left hand side in the `Features` box.

08-08-2004, 09:28 AM
Being that you are new, you will want something that is easy to use. I was in your shoes just a few short months ago, and I did the Zaino thing, but the ease of use is not there. I hated applyig Zaino, my body hurt after applying it. I personally don`t know of the 1Z line, so I can`t give any product info on that. Basically I would say, stay away from Zaino, besides the price is a little high for me. If you want an opinion on products, I would go with the ClearKote or Poorboy`s line of products. They are easy to use, you can use them in the sun, they come off easy and apply easy. What you need to do is get a hold of SCOTT @ SPECIALTY MOTORING (http://www.specialtymotoring.com) or RANNEY @ PAKSHAK (http://www.pakshak.com) and get some info and product referral from them. The kits contain ClearKote Vanilla Moose Hand Glaze, and Poorboy`s EX-P which is a pure sealnt, gives a very clear look to it. What I would say is get the 1-2 PUNCH from Specialty Motoring, or the Hawaiian Punch from the pakshak. Both of the guys that run these companies are top notch. I have only dealt with Specialty Motoring, but I have heard from some guys I know on here than Ranney is a good guy as well. But there`s my .02 cents. But as to you splitting the cost with your Bro, make sure he picks up a bottle of the ClearKote Carnauba Moose Wax, he can use the steps I used on my blue Cobra on his black, the Carnauba just makes a wetter look, the black will look better with this on top Want some pics? Check out the link at the bottom!

Poorboy`s SSR 2.5

1-2 Punch (Specialty Motoring) Hawwiian Punch (PAKSHAK)

SSR 2.5

ClearKote Vanilla Moose

Poorboy`s EX-P X3

ClearKote Carnauba Moose Wax X2


Click (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=42013)

08-08-2004, 02:58 PM
but hows the durability and how long does the beading effect last? i dont mind the ease of use right now because its been so long since i did anything to my car, i dont mind to spend a couple of hours detailing my car. ill be doing it twice a year so its not that big of a deal. my mind is pretty much set, its either i get 1z or zaino.