View Full Version : Clay twice?

07-31-2004, 01:20 PM
Hi, i have zainoed our merc e500 almost a year ago, the color is obs black. i clayed it, and even today, the paint is very very smooth. yesterday, i decided to zaino my wrx for the first time. i used z-18, and not clay magic, since i had a bar at home. for some reason, the paint isnt as near as the mercs smoothness, and some areas are better then the next. i was wondering if its ok to clay my car today again, for the SECOND time in TWO days. also, do i have to wash again, or can i just wet the car, and apply my z-7 lube after, with my clay? also, if that does work, can i dry, then add 3 more coats, or do i need to wash with z-7? thanks a lot for your help guys, sorry about all the Q`s. TIA!

07-31-2004, 01:38 PM
Personally, i think you need a paint cleaner like klasse all in one or meguiars medallion premium paint cleaner. A paint cleaner is a good follow up after claying to remove any residue from clay, embedded dirt that clay can`t remove, and even some fine swirls.

So, to answer your question, I would probably just clay lightly again, then use a paint cleaner(klasse all in one would be my choice, cause you dont have to wash it before zainoing), then top with z2 or z5.

You do not have to wash after claying if your using a paint cleaner, unless you feel it would be better to just rinse it off then dry it.

07-31-2004, 01:42 PM
hey, thanks for the reply, i actually dont have klasse aio on me, and dont want to spend to much, since i need to still buy the clay, but can i survive with just claying again, and then rinsing off the lube, drying, spray z-7, wipe, then zaino again? thanks

07-31-2004, 02:36 PM
anyone with some info on the topic? thanks

07-31-2004, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by bmms8

hey, thanks for the reply, i actually dont have klasse aio on me, and dont want to spend to much, since i need to still buy the clay, but can i survive with just claying again, and then rinsing off the lube, drying, spray z-7, wipe, then zaino again? thanks

You can do it that way if you want(and im assuming your car doesn`t have that many if at all swirls or scratches), but if your finish is very neglected, I would strongly advise a paint cleaner or polish before you zaino.

But to answer your ?, yes you can do that.

07-31-2004, 02:50 PM
yea, i do have swirls almost everywhere. thanks for the tip, ill look into klasse aio, hopefully they sell it locally. thanks

07-31-2004, 03:06 PM
You can get any paint cleaner locally(meguiars deep crystal would also work), only thing is, you have to wash the paint after if you use another paint cleaner other than klasse all in one.

07-31-2004, 03:35 PM
If its the smoothness your concened with, and you think a re-claying could help, you could re-clay a small area and see if it helps. That way you wont have to reclay the whole car if it turns out to not help.

07-31-2004, 04:44 PM
If you have swirls every where you should polish after you clay.