View Full Version : Chalky White Paint?

Scott P
07-30-2004, 09:04 AM
Is there a cure for white paint tha gets chalky quickly? I was once told there is a compound in white paitn that makes its way to the surface over time. Can the chalkiness be reversed once it starts?

I`m sure it is oxidation that can be removed with a good paint clear and some work, but will it appear again? I assume keeping a good coat of sealant and/or wax is in order to protect the finish. I just am curious if it can be stopped once it starts.

Demon Detailer
07-30-2004, 06:44 PM
It sounds like a single stage paint. When you rub the paint with a towel, does it turn white?

If so, the chalkiness is easy to remove. You can use a Traffic Film Remover to wash it away or you can use a mild compound after washing it with regular car wash shampoo.

Then apply a good polish/wax/sealant to protect it.

07-30-2004, 06:58 PM
Use some aoi to remove the oxidation than use some SG , should keep it from returning for awhile.

07-31-2004, 03:27 AM
It really depends on how deep the oxidation runs, but try a mild paint cleaner/pre-wax cleaner/etc first. If that doesn`t work try a stronger polish to remove it.

Keep the paint waxed regularly to prevent this from reocurring.