View Full Version : Best Backing Plate For PC W/LC Pads

07-28-2004, 05:28 PM
I bought a velcro backing plate from TOL a while back and have been using it with my PC and the orange LC pads. I`ve been pretty happy with it. It holds the pads well.

However, recently I bought some white and yellow LC VC pads from AutoGeek that just won`t stay on the backing plate. Putting a pad on and flipping the PC over to use it, the pads usually fall right off. I noticed that the area where the backing plate attaches to the pad on the white and yellow pads is different than the orange.

I contacted AutoGeek about this and they told me that the orange pads were "different" but in hindsight, there is no way everyone is using these pads and having the trouble I am and it not being more commonly mentioned. I`ve already ruined one of the yellow cutting pads just from the sheer pressure Im having to use to keep the pad on the PC and not flying off like a frisbee while it`s in use.

So, before I run out and buy another backing plate, I wanted to see what everyone else is using so I make sure I get one that`s going to work with these yellow and white pads.



07-28-2004, 10:50 PM
I`m using the backing plate I got with my PC when I ordered it through Autopia. Next time I am at my Meguiars distributor, I am going to order their backing plate so I have an extra. I`ll let you know how it works in comparison to the one I have now.

07-29-2004, 09:50 AM

Being that you use the PC quite a bit (I assume), is this problem Im having with the white and yellow pads common? I mean, literally just turning the PC over to use it causes the pads to fall off.