View Full Version : AIO/SG(x2)/S100 vs. VM/EX/CMW vs. Zaino on black

07-28-2004, 08:30 AM
These two combo`s (twins and vm/ex)are the top 2 of my choices as a result of months of board monitoring. I would like to hear from some people that maybe have used both and can give an un-biased comparision.

I deal with a lot of black cars, 3 of them are mine, and need to find a combo that far prevails over the rest. I am currently using a 1ZPP/NXT combo with so-so results. I noticed on my previously Zaino`d car that the 1ZPP/NXT combo darkened it up a bit, too the point that I don`t like it (too dark). I think I`m going to save the NXT for the lighter colored cars for now.

I am also going to switch to a stronger swirl remover in DACP to replace the 1ZPP. The 1Z is not cutting it on the black paint (pun intended) So whatever I use will be used over the DACP.

I have heard nothing but good things about the Klasse Twins and the VM/EX combo. I am also a Caranuba virgin so I`m curious to try that as a topper on whatever I use.

Also, I already have some zaino. Personally I think it`s time for a change but if the previous will not give me better results should I just stick with the Zaino?

Thanks in advance, Steve.

07-28-2004, 09:37 AM
As far as I know, CMW has cleaners in it, so it will remove VM + EX.

I don`t think you`ll get a much better look than the Klasse twins topped with S100 ;)

07-28-2004, 09:39 AM
CMW is a thick liquid with barely any cleaners.

My vote goes for VM/EX/CMW. I did VM/EX-P/CMW on my girlfriend`s Imola Red Saab. It proved to have extraordinary depth and wetness. A great combo IMO. With the substitution of EX, the look will be even deeper, a plus on black :xyxthumbs

Scott P
07-28-2004, 09:53 AM
CMW doesn`t have cleaners to remove the EX/VM. Regular Moose wax is a clener Wax, but CMW is not in that category.

07-28-2004, 10:02 AM
Scott P is right you might be getting confused with Moose Wax, a cleaner wax. Doesn`t EX then CMW seem a little redundant?? I though they were very similiar with CMW having a little edge with the "wetness" factor. I would think only 1 is needed to get the job done.

07-28-2004, 10:16 AM
Oops! Sorry guys, I got it confused with Moose Wax. :( :o

07-28-2004, 10:20 AM
Thanks for the quick responses....much appreciated.

Durability is not really a concern since i love detailing my rides but from what I have read the VM/EX combo is extremely easy to use while the SG takes some skill. The ease of use may have a factor in my decision...

any other insights from anyone?

07-28-2004, 10:30 AM
CMW no matter what will have a VERY slight cleaning ability since it is a liquid = more solvent content, but it will not remove your EX. Just pointing that out.

07-28-2004, 10:31 AM
I love the look off VM and CMW but have not yet tried it CMW over EX-P or NXT, I have stuck to P21s and #16 over the top, is CMW fine to use over NXT or EX?



07-28-2004, 12:42 PM
I`ve also heard of people using Natty`s over EX. Which would combo do you think would bring better results, I`m going for the wettest, slickest, deepest, look possible w/o spending tons on pinnacle souveran:

1. DACP / VM / EX / CMW

2. DACP / VM / EX / Natty`s

3. DACP / AIO / SG(x2) / S100

4. Feel free to add any other personal favorite combos for black

07-28-2004, 11:48 PM
I`d go with VM/CMW or EX w/Carnauba. Both will look very wet. You can top either with Natty`s for an even wetter look or pop for Pinnacle Souveran...although Souveran didn`t do much for my black Mazda, however, it rocks on a customer`s Rolls and any black Mercedes.

07-29-2004, 12:38 AM
I have a Blue Cobra and I love the VM/EX-P/CMW combo! I have 2 coats of EX-P, then I topped it with CMW, and the wetness really came out! This past week I put another coat of EX-P over the CMW, and it gave it a great look, I don`t know if EX-P removed the CMW, but I am very happy with the look!!



