View Full Version : Review: Four Star Wheel Gel Cleaner

10-18-2004, 09:37 AM
Thanks Dwayne for the opportunity to receive this product for free and to review.

-Very easy to read directions that are simple
-I like the idea of this product not being chemically strong because. I can use it on my concrete driveway without hurting the driveway & sealant for concrete protection.
-Easy to use. You have the option of spray or stream. Did not have to use a lot of the product to get good results.
-Waited 30 seconds as directed. Agitatied w/a brush and really started to see the results. Product went from a liquid to a strong fitting suds!


-I am very pleased with the results from a product that was easy to use. Will continue using this product in the future, especially on heavy coated brake dust tires & rims! :)

10-18-2004, 09:45 AM
I felt about the same with it I to got a sample bottle. I do feel like I`m still going to need a acid based cleaner for those tougher jobs, but this is a good all around cleaner that I will use

10-18-2004, 09:49 AM
I could have cleaned the interior/holes of the rims better and it would have eliminated all brake dust, however, I didn`t have my power washer out and I went as deep as my brush would allow.

10-18-2004, 09:04 PM
I also had good luck with this product over the weekend. Good job Dwayne!

Things I like:

Good packaging
Green gel easy to see