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07-27-2004, 12:25 PM
Can Quick and Easy Wash be used like Poorboys Spray & Wipe? I assume it`s very similiar, just curious if anyone used it in a spray bottle between washings or for weekly washings?


07-27-2004, 12:31 PM
I`ve used it in a 2 gallon pump sprayer. I also have a 5 gallon bucket of clean water.

I spray the panel down w/ QEW and wipe it with the wash mit. I then will rinse between panels in the bucket of clean water.

Works really well.

I personally wouldn`t use it like a quick detailer though.

07-27-2004, 12:35 PM
Cool, wasn`t planning on using a QD. Do you get yours locally?

07-27-2004, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by SouthernZ71

Cool, wasn`t planning on using a QD. Do you get yours locally?

Never looked for any place that sold it locally. I purchased a gallon from Camping World.

If you don`t have any and want to try some, then you`re welcome to come by and get some. Just bring a small bottle to put some in. I don`t use it too often.

07-27-2004, 12:57 PM
If I have a small area to do (like I ran through a puddle), I`ll just use QEW in a bucket and just go for that one section. I don`t use it in a spray unless I`m doing the whole car. I`ll use a sprayer for a "presoak" and then use QEW.

For spray and wipe occurences (i.e bird, treesap,etc), I go at `em with some water and regular QD like Meg`s FI.

07-27-2004, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by SouthernZ71

Cool, wasn`t planning on using a QD. Do you get yours locally?

I picked some QEW up at a local RV business.But I don`t think I saved any money as I payed 18.00 for a 32oz bottle.If you go HERE (http://www.protectall.com/qe.aspx) you can see they sell it for 10.00 for 2 16oz bottles and I don`t know what it cost`s for shipping.