View Full Version : Help with black door trim..

10-18-2004, 01:36 AM
First off, let me say hi, and that this site is great and is a never ending source of information. I am by no means a great detailer, but I do take pride in my work. I do know some stuff, I have been using claybars for years. long before reading about them online.

My question is about the door trim pieces in the photo below. My dad has these on his Neon and I have not been able to figure out how to clean them so the "streaks" are gone. Any suggestions ??
Photo is courtesy of another member. I found it in a thread by Don

10-18-2004, 04:47 AM
Those door pieces were heavily textured (more like deep vertical scratches) on my SIL`s Buick. I`m pretty sure that they were supposed to be smooth with a high gloss I ended up using Megs Trim Detailer which really improved the appearance...you can kind of see in this pic:


The Neon should have textured plastic panels. They would respond well to an APC used with a toothbrush followed By Megs Trim Detailer.

PS: no problems using the pic to illustrate your point/question

10-18-2004, 07:22 AM
If those are the smooth shiny black pieces between the front and rear doors, similar to what is on the PT Cruiser, I used Poorboy`s PwC with great success about 2 months ago. My wife`s friend has a PT and those panels look very similar (grimy and oxidized). PwC cleaned them up nice and shiny, and added a layer of protection.