View Full Version : Why so many Meg`s car wash soaps at my local Autozone?

07-25-2004, 05:28 PM
Went to my local auto parts store today looking for wash concentrate.

Meg`s has like 5 different kinds:

64oz NXT

64oz purple stuff with a family washing their car

16oz soft wash gel (pink)

16oz gold class wash

and maybe another

They are all different prices, consistencies, colors, etc

What is the real difference between all these? Why sell so many? Does buying a 16oz for $4 buy you something better than paying $6 for a 64oz?

They all claim to do the same thing on the bottle....and all say 1oz for 1 gal water

imported_rusty bumper
07-26-2004, 12:46 PM
Some sheet water better, some condition the paint better, some have better sudsing action, some lubricate better, etc.,etc.,....Mike Phillips would be better able to answer your question though.

I would recommend the gallon size of GC myself, and some say NXT is a real good choice too.

07-26-2004, 01:13 PM
Technically there probably is not a big diff between the shampoos. Changing color and consistency is pretty easy to do. The real reason there are so many similar products from one mfr probably has more to do with pricing, marketing funds, special purchases, things like that. Maybe Meguiar`s offered AZ a low price on a certain product if they bought XX number of cases. Maybe AZ bought a ton of shampoo from someone else at a closeout price. Things like this are pretty common at retail. Buy whichever shampoo interests you.

07-26-2004, 01:15 PM
Go to Target and get the 128oz Gold Class for $9.99. It works fine, and will last you a long time.

Bill D
07-26-2004, 01:21 PM
For OTC car wash I switched from the Gold Class to EO, EO is much slicker and cleans even better IMO. Often you can get two jugs of the EO that add up to a gallon for the same price as the Gold Class

07-26-2004, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by rusty bumper

Mike Phillips would be better able to answer your question though.

I was hoping he would chime in.

I just figure it`s more expensive for Meg`s to make all these different washes and more expensive for AZ to have shelf space for all of them. My guess is most of the OTC customers have no brand preference...if I put my AZ hat on, I would just sell the Meg`s brand with the highest gross profit.

Bill D
07-26-2004, 02:18 PM
My local AZ isn`t very good for detailing chemicals. If your AZ is offering several Meg`s car washes I would consider that a good thing especially for an Autopian: more washes to try out quicker and easier without having to wait the time and pay the shipping to get them :xyxthumbs

07-26-2004, 02:20 PM
Hi everyone,

The real truth behind the different products is this, there are certain price points that people are willing to pay for. These are known values and it`s really pretty easy to understand that there are a lot of people that are simply not into detailing their car to the same level Autopians are. These people want a car wash that works well, by a company they know, but they don`t want the best, they want good. We have that car wash for them.

The benefits and features of a Meguiar`s car wash are determined by the ingredients in the formula. The higher the prices for a Meguiar`s car wash reflects the cost of the ingredients used in the formula. Gold Class Wash is Meguiar`s premium car wash in the Consumer line. I have been told it offers more slickness and glossing ingredients than NXT Tech Wash.

The lower price car washes clean really well, but don`t offer the same lubricity and glossing ability as the more premium products.

So it comes down to personal preference and what a person is looking for and willing to pay for.

My personal preference is the NXT Tech Wash, I don`t think I could explain it with words, but I like using it when I wash both the Honda Pilot and the 1973 Blazer.

Hope this helps...


imported_rusty bumper
07-26-2004, 02:29 PM
Gold Class Wash is Meguiar`s premium car wash in the Consumer line. I have been told it offers more slickness and glossing ingredients than NXT Tech Wash.

So far, GC is the best that I have tried (Not tried NXT yet)...It leaves my car looking pretty good.

07-26-2004, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by rusty bumper

So far, GC is the best that I have tried (Not tried NXT yet)...It leaves my car looking pretty good.

I never really cared for Gold Class, I ALWAYS got spots with it, I much prefered the #00, but it is expensive, about $8 for 16 oz., so MP told me to try NXT, and I absolutely love it. For the price difference, I am definately going to be using NXT as I feel it is a really great wash.

imported_rusty bumper
07-26-2004, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by gbackus

I never really cared for Gold Class, I ALWAYS got spots with it, I much prefered the #00, but it is expensive, about $8 for 16 oz., so MP told me to try NXT, and I absolutely love it. For the price difference, I am definately going to be using NXT as I feel it is a really great wash.

I have a light colored car, & a dark one too, but I haven`t had any spotting yet...But I do have soft water come to think of it....And I`ve heard that NXT will help to soften hard water also.

Setec Astronomy
07-26-2004, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by Mike Phillips

Hi everyone,

The benefits and features of a Meguiar`s car wash are determined by the ingredients in the formula. The higher the prices for a Meguiar`s car wash reflects the cost of the ingredients used in the formula. Gold Class Wash is Meguiar`s premium car wash in the Consumer line. I have been told it offers more slickness and glossing ingredients than NXT Tech Wash.

The lower price car washes clean really well, but don`t offer the same lubricity and glossing ability as the more premium products.

Hope this helps...


I used to use the #00 Tech Wash when I would travel to the auto body supply place, then I switched to the Soft Wash Gel, figuring it was the same stuff (about the same price), and it was available locally, but this last time I got lazy and saw the pink bottle and bought the Deep Crystal wash, thinking it was the same..turns out it`s the cheapest and therefore (above) the least lubricity and gloss...darn...and I`ve got like 61 washes to go until it`s used up...