View Full Version : Microfiber Drying Towels feel very rough...

07-24-2004, 03:37 PM
I have two blue microfiber drying towels that I purchased from Tropi-Care. One was used slightly more then the other but they are both starting to feel very rough. To me it seems as if they would scratch the surface but I am not positive. I wash them in warm water with the other microfiber detailing towels and Woolite. The detailing towels feel fine but the drying feel very course and rough. Does anyone else have this problem and is it indeed creating more minor scratches? Thanks for the help


07-24-2004, 03:45 PM
After a good detailing session, all the oil from your hands has been removed. When your hands are dry like that, microfibers do feel rough. I haven`t seen any scratching though.

07-24-2004, 06:34 PM
You may want to throw some distilled white vinegar in the rinse. It`ll remove excess detergent and leave the towels feeling softer. Makes a noticeable difference with mine. The other MF towels will feel softer, too.

a.k.a. Patrick
07-24-2004, 06:50 PM
Another thing, dont cook them in the dryer, take them out while still damp.....

07-24-2004, 08:18 PM
Are you referring to the big blue? I`ve heard people say that over time these towels might lose their softness. I`ve come to the conclusion that there are two types of waffles out there.

Some hold/absorb water better/quicker, but are not as soft. These are usually made from a 70/30 blend and are a little heavier in weight/construction. There are some that don`t hold/absorb as much or as quick, but are softer. These are usually 80/20 and are thinner/lighter. Which is better? I don`t know. I have both types of waffles. I probably would opt for the softer waffle.

07-24-2004, 08:20 PM
BDawg: The MF towels feel like this before I even start the process.

RobD: I`ll be sure to try that distilled white vinegar thing. Hopefully it`ll make `em feel a little softer

a.k.a. Patrick: I never stick them in the dryer, they usually hang in my room

Thanks for the help guys

a.k.a. Patrick
07-25-2004, 01:44 AM
Jason, it could just be the minerals in the water, may be something you just have to deal with my friend.....