View Full Version : Ultra Car Care Products Super Finish, used in direct sunlight!

07-24-2004, 01:16 PM
The actual product name is "Ultra Car Care Products Super Finish UVA Sunscreen". It is a thin liquid, about as thin as 303,with no scent. It clams "100% PURE CARNAUBA WAX". The directions say it "can be applied in sun or shade". It is mid-70s today, with a light breeze and low humidity, a very nice day for waxing.

The product separates into a thick white liquid and a thin, clear "plasma". It shouid be shaken until well mixed. I applied it to a foam pad and spread it over the hot paint!

My applicator quickly turned orangish; SF contains cleaners, about as much as GC or #20, and IMO is definitely NOT layerable (the applicator on the left was dropped and discarded):


On the hot paint, it dried very quickly, in about 30 seconds. I did the entire car, deliberately applying it too thick in some places, deliberately wiping it on the trim in others (the bottle claims that it is trim-safe).


I then immediately removed it with an Elite mf towel.

I believed that the product would be really baked on, but it wiped off very much like any other "apply/haze/wipe" liquid wax; like #26 or GC, maybe a little easier. There is almost no dusting, and very little pigment was removed by the residue removal process. SF wiped off trim easily, and the caked areas were also not an issue, requiring only an extra wipe or two, with no extra pressure or rubbing. I let some areas bake for another half hour, to see what happened; the product came off easily. The only major downside to SF is that because of its thinness, it has a tendency to find cracks and crevasses. This can be avoided by applying in a thin layer, and being careful around emblems and door edges.

If the product didn`t look great, I wouldn`t be writing this. It has a very wet and dark look, another "similar to #26" product:


But, it also has excellent clarity and reflection. Sunshot, trunk:


Sunshot, hood:


This is a reflection of the incandescent light over the garage door. You can see the reflections of the siding in the pigment, not from the surface:


There are lots of products that are excellent, and we ALL agree that with proper prep, you will get stellar results from any of them. What is remarkable about UCCSFUVASS is that it can be used IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT, making it an EXCELLENT choice for those of us without a garage, or those of us who frequently do other peoples` cars in parking lots and the like.


Mosca sez: thumbs up, to a product that fills a niche well!


07-24-2004, 01:22 PM
Tom, thanks for the review. Very informative. Where did you order the product?

07-24-2004, 01:27 PM
I bought it from a fellow Autopian on aBay. You can find it by Googling it, though.


Corey Bit Spank
07-24-2004, 02:25 PM
Tom, as always, this review was one of the more informative one on here! It looks like a good one step product, one for frients that keep asking you to wash their car and you want to put on something quick just to make them happy (hey, I gave her a full detail in may....). I think the results are very good, looks wet and clear--albeit your paint is probably in good condition, but no doubt the wax added something to it. Nice product. :)

07-24-2004, 05:12 PM
Not just for that situation, CBS, but also for when you don`t have shade is what I like most. Maybe at an outdoor car show, you can QEW and UCCSF before people start showing up. Or, a mobile detailing business without a canopy.

I`d also see it as a base for #16.


07-24-2004, 06:25 PM
Another picture, this one after driving for a few hours:


Corey Bit Spank
07-25-2004, 01:23 AM
Originally posted by Mosca

Not just for that situation, CBS, but also for when you don`t have shade is what I like most. Maybe at an outdoor car show, you can QEW and UCCSF before people start showing up. Or, a mobile detailing business without a canopy.

I`d also see it as a base for #16.


Very true Something quick and easy that gives good results in the sun. Very cool :)

07-26-2004, 02:30 PM
Saw it at a local Ford dealership. I`ve used it about 25 years ago after seeing it at a 4X4 shop.

07-27-2004, 06:59 PM
Very nice review and pictures! Another option to try since I regularly work in the sun.

10-18-2004, 01:57 PM
My father has been a long time gold class user, but recently he picked some ultra car care super finish upon the advice of a friend. I had been a little skeptical about it, but after giving it a try last friday, i must admit, i`m pretty impressed! (Sorry, no pics, as it rained on sunday :( )

Things I like:

1. Goes on thinly and quickly

2. Drys very quickly

3. Wipes clean with greater ease than most liquid waxes

4. Finish comes out slick

5. Doesn`t require a PC to be put on thinly, i did it by hand

Things I didn`t like

1. It does have some depth, but it isn`t as dark as my normal waxes

2. May not be as slick as using a product like DC3, GC, or NXT

Despite it not having the same depth or shine as my normal regimen, Super Finish is still an impressive product. I can see it having a place in my detail shelf, as a wax that i could use inbetween "complete" waxes. In fact, i can already forsee using it before a rain, for some extra protection from the elements. Good stuff, and worth a try for anyone! it gets my :xyxthumbs


10-18-2004, 04:16 PM
lookin good! good write up.
