View Full Version : Got my shipment, have a question

Lord Banshee
07-24-2004, 12:44 AM
I got my shipment from the autopia store today. :bounce

Let see i ordered

6-pack of Khaki Microfiber Buffing Towels

2-pack of Sonus Der Wunder Towels for drying

Genuine Wool Wash Mitt

6 foam applicator pads

2 free white pads(don`t know what they are made of)

1Z Glanz Wax

1Z Paint Polish

Have two questions

1) do i apply the polish and wax like i do meg show car glaze and s100. Example one apply a thin layer of wax or polish on a panel and then buff off, move on to other panel. If not what method is best.

2) Can i wash the Khaki Microfiber Buffing Towels and Sonus Der Wunder Towels in the same load with liquid detergent soap. And should i wash these towels right after use, or are they good for mutiple uses?

Thanks and i can`t wait for the results of this wax. It`s always fun to try out new waxs :)

07-24-2004, 12:59 AM
1. The 1Z Paint Polish is an abrasive polish, so it`s designed to be worked into the paint, not just applied and wiped off. The more you work it, the more marring you will remove and the more effective it will be. I haven`t actually used it by hand (PC only), but I`ve read statements here that it`s one of the easier polishes to use by hand, so hopefully it`s effective for you. With the Glanz, you will simply wipe it on, let it haze, and wipe it off. Take note: apply it thin. It can be difficult to remove if you apply it too thickly.

2. All the microfiber towels can be washed together, and you should wash them after each use. Make sure you don`t use fabric softener (as it leaves residue on the towels).


Lord Banshee
07-24-2004, 01:04 AM
thanks for the quick response. I am debateing if i should try and wash/polish/wax car tommrow before the autocross or wait after.. I post something on what i think about the results..

07-24-2004, 10:15 AM
Lord Banshee- I`d probably vote for *after* the autocross, unless you don`t mind redoing it so soon. Things tend to happen at events like that, and while it`s nice to show up in a well-detailed car (and your car *would* be well protected), it might not be so well-detailed at the end of the day ;) Of course if you don`t mind the work, do it both before and after :D

When you use the PP, be sure to work it long enough for the abrasives to break down. Shouldn`t be hard to do, but you will need to work it *quite* a bit longer than the Meg`s #7. And, what jaobrien6 said :xyxthumbs

Lord Banshee
07-24-2004, 04:38 PM
Hey yeah i decided to wait for all the reasons you said lol.

Oh and on the PP would i go back in forth to work in or start at top and work down, start at top work down.

I i never really know if i am doing it right :(. Sometimes the result come back better then others. Also i sometimes notice after i use s100 that i have like oil smudges on my hood like i did get the wax off but it doesn`t seem to come off with QD, what the best method of getting rid of that. Do you think it got there by putting too thick of a layer on?


Lord Banshee
07-24-2004, 05:21 PM
Also how hard would it be to polish and wax the car at night? Would there be anything wrong other then the ability to see what ones is doing?

07-25-2004, 11:41 AM
While artificial light at night can be good for spotting things (especially light marring), there`s no way I`d polish at night. Just too likely that you`d miss something. Of course, indoors with great lighting is a different thing altogether.

Not sure why your P21S is doing that, mine never did, but I didn`t use it much. Generally, the source of most wax problems is putting it on too thick. With the P21S, I`d just wipe it on and immediately wipe it off. Don`t move on until that spot is just right.

I`d start at the top and do the horizontal surfaces first, but that`s just how I do it.

If you`re careful about what you`re doing you`ll eventually become more consistent. Concentrate on doing the same thing all the time, which can be a little challenging when you`ve been doing something like polishing for several hours and you`re getting to the parts of the car that don`t show as much as the hood. Maybe try breaking up the car into sections rather than doing it all at once. If you spend a whole day on one panel, it`ll probably turn out pretty nice ;)