View Full Version : 1Z Gummi Pflege

07-23-2004, 05:37 PM
Awesome stuff...just got my order in from "the store" and couldn`t wait to try it out. Even had enough to do the GF`s car!

Nice lemon smell

Went on smooth (wish there were other applicators to get behind the gaskets and in grooves..other wise my finger worked fine)

Thought it was going to be too shiney, with a buff it`s just right

Added some "spring" to the seals

Only thing that worries me is I rinsed my hands right after and all residue was gone without soap. Wonder how well it`ll hold up in rain?

Any ideas on what to use for felt to make it somewhat plush again?

hope it helps...

07-31-2004, 01:56 PM
I had high hopes for this product, but have been very disappointed. I wiped off the excess and wiped it again 30 minutes later and the initial results were great. However half of the product washed off when it rained...and the residue that left on my windows would not even come off with Stoners Invisible Glass...that just smeared it around. The only thing that took it off the glass was Goo Gone! Plus it looks like crap now and I`ll have to do something to detail the rubber trim again.

The idea is great, but I won`t be using this on the exterior of my car ever again. I will use it up on my trunk and hood gaskets.

IMO, Mother`s Back to Black works better and lasts longer plus you don`t have to use Goo Gone to clean it up afterwards.

Hope your results were better than mine!

07-31-2004, 07:14 PM
Sorry you had those problems. The only places I applied were the door seals and no window seals. For prep. I wiped with 50/50 mix of alc./H20. It`s rained 2 or 3 times since I applied and haven`t had any problems. Might want to clean and try again...

08-06-2004, 03:47 AM
SouthernZ71, I had good experience with GummiPflege too. Like you, I followed the tips I read and used it only on "interior" rubber (door seals, trunk gasket, engine bay, etc.) and had no problem. I don`t think it`s designed/marketed for exterior rubber.

And like you, I *hate* the applicator. For the tight little places you mentioned, I squeeze some of it onto those cheap, small, foam paint "brushes" and they do the trick for me. Just a thought.