View Full Version : PC7424 Yellow Pads on Backorder?

07-19-2004, 11:13 PM
My pads came today from CMA for my PC7424...

I ordered 1 yellow, 2 whites, and 1 grey. I got the 2 white pads and grey pad, but the yellow pad is on "backorder". They didn`t charge me for the pad, but does this mean they are going to send me the yellow pad when it becomes available and then charge my debit card? I don`t think I should have to pay shipping again just for one pad. I`ll contact them tomorrow, but I was just wondering if any of you have had this experience before with CMA.

The plan this weekend is to VM w/white pad on 4-5 and then top w/S100. Once my S100 supply is diminished I am switching to EX-P. Some of these pictures you guys have been posting w/VM + EX-P are ridiculous!

07-19-2004, 11:14 PM
i don`t think they`ll send it. I had the same thing happen to me, but if you call, let me know the resutls.