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07-18-2004, 05:32 AM
Time Well Spent!

First, let me start and say the Steve and Marj did a wonderful job in putting this all together.:up Thank you very much for the opporunity for all of us to meet and "play" with the products!

It was great to finally put faces to names etc!

It was so sunny and hot that it really put to the test of any of the products being able to withstand sun beating down on a finish. My guess is most finishes were in the range of 110-140 degrees!

Those that got shade really worked like hell to improve the finish quality and let me tell you they did GREAT!

The SC430 was in the sun most of the morning and was looking for some good shade coverage or garage to work in, so I settled for some tree shade.. Damn tree didn`t like my car and decided to throw some sap on it free of charge! A little S&W, all was well. Then came time to test the Souveran/Natty on the SC430.

I held out and once in the shade, I secretly applied Souveran on one panel and Natty`s on another panel of the SC430. Can you tell which is which? Even Natty himself was quite amazed as to the comparison! Only one person was able to distinguish which was which, and it was not easy.

Therfore, Natty`s Paste wax is one cost effective wax! Use the Natty`s in place of Souveran and spend the money saved on other items! Now I can say I will not be shaking hands with Pinnacle each time I reach in my pocket for my wallet! :D

GSRstilez worked like hell with his Makita 9227C and performed magic to the red Integra finish that you really have to see it close to really appreciate the level of work that went into it. From start to finish he did an exceptional job.:xyxthumbs Way to go!

TheSopranos16 went full bore on his new black 350Z and man it was sweet! The black was perfect and he was in the process of putting on his EX.

All the cars were just great to look at once people got busy!

Too bad I had to leave so soon, as some of you know why...:sosad

Steve and crew were busy with a 4 PC symphony on a black laquer finish old car that from the begining, looked as if someone took a Scotchbright pad to it... No joke! It was that bad and the marks were consistant with one of those pads!

But, with SSR2.5, things improved dramatically! This was a true test for 2.5!

The Range Rover looked as if it went 4-wheeling to get to this event. Hours later, you could not tell! Damn thing looked as new if not better! He worked hard in the sun on it and the results were just remarkable.

We all had a great time and hope we can all do it again soon!

Maybe then I can get one of my guys to bring the company car with more EZ Ups so we have more shade, or I`ll coordinate with Steve and offer to get a tent company to erect several tents on whatever site we can use. Not that bad cost wise, and less headache!

OK boys! Who else has pics? I only got a few off.

Look at the door and rear quarter panel. Which one is Souveran and which is Natty`s? Hard to tell isn`t it? Even in person close up it was very difficult. Still feel like blowing $70.00+/- on Souveran?

More to come!



07-18-2004, 05:34 AM
Here`s a shot of one members Integra. Worked with a rotary on this and let me tell you... It looks much better in person!


07-18-2004, 05:37 AM
Another close-up of the Integra

07-18-2004, 05:45 AM
OK guys, which panel has Souveran and which as Natty`s? Look at the door and rear quarter panel. Front fender was still EX-P alone.

Save you money! Pick-up a jar of Natty`s! That`s unless you enjoy throwing money away! No more Souveran for me!

We had several people at the site go up close, inspect it and guess which was which. It was a 50/50 guess, so some got it right, but quite a few guessed wrong. Says a lot about Natty`s Paste Carnuba! Against Souveran on a color where it is supposed to be it`s best besides black, it was just too close to tell.

Maybe one of the guys from the day if they have a black car, Souveran and Natty`s post a pic to see if we can pick it out!

It was one hell of a day!


07-18-2004, 08:06 AM
Great pics...Looks like great time. I am working on setting up a Poorboys`s Detailing Day for our local Z club.

07-18-2004, 11:31 AM
Oh yea:xyxthumbs Let us know when and where!

I was one hell of a day!

There are more posts on the day over at Detailcity.

TheSopranos16 has a few of his black 350Z on the site as well!



07-18-2004, 11:40 AM
It is hard to tell which is which because they are on two different panels of the car. The different shape of the rear quarter naturally gives more reflection and wetness due to the curved wheel area. Maybe half and half on the trunk lid or hood could be better.

Both look amazing, none the less. :cool:

07-18-2004, 12:05 PM
Maybe half and half on the trunk lid or hood could be better. sigh....

Yea I know... i was trying to be sneeky.. I should have pulled into the wash-bay area or garage area and applied out of everyone`s sight. Then I would have done the hood in half and trunk as well.

I had most look at the same area between the door and rear quater that were in the same plane so to speak. It was still interesting to see none the less.

Damn it I wish I had more time and shade coverage! I would have been polishing away. Brought both PC and rotary. You can only fit so much in the SC430 :p

All in all, it was fun!


07-18-2004, 12:08 PM
Not trying to rain on your parade :( ...both panels look awesome which tells me that the Natty`s is a very high quality product. :D

07-18-2004, 12:31 PM
No, you`re not raining on my parade at all! You`re quite correct on that I should have done the hood.

For all the money I have spent on Souveran, it`s nice to know there is an alternate and much less expensive product out that can come in as close or surpass Souveran. Not that there is anything wrong with Souveran except the price...:D

Natty may be a bit brighter, but this is OVER EX-P on red.

One day, we shall try it on a black finish!

Have a good weeked!



Redcar GUY
07-18-2004, 01:39 PM
thx for the pics

07-18-2004, 02:57 PM
Very nice pics and thanks for the write up. Maybe we can convince Steve and company to head down to the Dallas area. I know there are a lot of Autopia members around here who would enjoy this type of seminar.

07-18-2004, 03:37 PM

07-18-2004, 03:39 PM

07-18-2004, 03:40 PM
another, bunch of good looking guys!