View Full Version : New use for my pump-up garden sprayer

07-16-2004, 05:31 PM
I was using this with distilled water to final rinse my car. It helps a bit but never seemed to justify the effort.

Anyway, I still have a few gallons of distilled water, and the sprayer is pretty nice, so I`d like to have reasons to use it. Today I decided to tackle the engine bay on the Aurora as I`d sort of neglected it. I used 16:1 APC+ and a bunch of terry towels. Since it isn`t that dirty, and since it`s a car where I want it as clean as possible, I didn`t want to use the hose and spray everything with APC+. That works great when the engine is really dirty, but otherwise it just gets everything soaked and wille ventually spot. So like I said, I used towels instead.

However, I was concerned that there would be APC+ left on parts of the engine, and I didn`t want to find that 6 months from now stuff got eaten up or stained from it (though I`ve never noticed APC+ to do that). So, again, I didn`t want to use the hose and soak everything and leave water spots everywhere, so instead I filled my garden sprayer up with a gallon of distilled water and hosed it down. It worked very well and there are no spots anywhere from it drying. :xyxthumbs

07-16-2004, 06:45 PM
Use my garden sprayer on my bike all the time. Mostly because I don`t have a hose in my apt garage, but also for the benefits you noted. I can rinse off the bike very acurately without forcing water into unwanted places.

Is a bit more effort to drag it out and keep pumping it though.
