View Full Version : Exposed pitting/craters on hood

07-15-2004, 11:21 PM
I used my rotary for the first time today and tested it out on my hood. I used a white LC polishing pad and DACP with a low speed of 1000-1300rpm. As I started to work on a few areas on the hood, I noticed little pinholes at close-up. From afar, it appears to look like a spray mist but clearly I think I exposed some craters. I followed up with using IP and FP and a sealant but it stills showing.

AFAIK, I think I`m pretty much screwed and will need to have the hood resprayed unless any of you folks have some ideas to alleviate this. :( Any advice on how this happened and/or some help will greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance. Unfortunately, I wasn`t able to take good close-ups of the hood.



07-15-2004, 11:58 PM
Can they only be seen close up?

My paint has some imperfections like that in them. Kind of look like small pinholes. I forgot what they are called though.

07-16-2004, 08:14 AM
Standing at least more than two feet away, it looks like a water mist sprayed on the hood. Upon closer viewing, it`s obvious that thier tiny little craters or inconsistent pinholes.

Mr Concours
07-16-2004, 08:30 AM
If the hood has ever been repainted it sounds like micro- blistering from something in the air (like silicon) when it was resprayed.

07-18-2004, 09:05 AM
Those tiny craters are probably the residual of the deepest part of surface etching that was corrected by your polishing with a rotary. This type of appearance is a result of swirl/surface marring removal and removal of most of the etching. At this point you have 2 options. Further compounding to remove more clearcoat until the deepest remaining (pitting) is smoothed out or leave well enough alone. Any vehicle that has any mileage will possess this problem if polished beyond a PC`s ability. I bet most of your other paint problems are gone.

Been there, seen that and accepted life and paint wear in the real-world. :)

Any professional opinions?