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07-15-2004, 01:29 PM
How do you know if the leather seats are coated or not. I have a Honda Accord beige leather.

How do you get wax off of black plastic and rubber trim. I read it somewhere on one of the threads, but I can`t find it.


07-15-2004, 01:32 PM
1) try dripping some water on the seats, if it beads up then it is coated, if it absorbs, then it isn`t coated. In a honda accord, chances are that it is coated leather.

2) For the black plastic trim, try the mr clean magic eraser. It really does work wonders

07-15-2004, 01:34 PM
Easy answers:

1. Dribble a little water onto your seats. If the water beads and sits on the surface, they`re coated. If the water absorbs into the leather and "stains", they`re uncoated. About 95%+ of the cars on the road have coated leather.

2. To remove wax from trim, try an erazer, peanut butter, veggie oil, Simple Green or similar, Goo Gone or similar. None of these are a guarantee but they`re time-tested tricks of OG detailerz.