View Full Version : horrible smell

07-15-2004, 07:57 AM
I spilled a protein shake in between the seats of my wifes accord. I was late for for work and could not attend to it for several hours. When I returned to the car it had the worst smell I have ever experienced, and it will not go away.

Tough stuff, Fabreze, 409, baking soda, pine sol, you name and I tried it, and nothing works.

I was considering renting a carpet cleaning machine.

What do you pros use when there is a horrific smell???


07-15-2004, 08:14 AM
Oh wow...the EXACT same thing happened to me. Except I drive the Accord...and I spilled it in her Jetta.

I had a bit of a head start because I went back home and soaked some of it up (making me late for work), but...it took several attempts to get it out, but I tried a couple of foaming carpet cleaners first. After that didn`t get it out, I spread baking soda over the area and let it sit for a day. Then I sprayed the area down with water, agitated it up really good, and used a wet vac to suck up the mess as dry as I could get, then soaked it down again and vaccuumed again. After that it was Febreeze and Febreeze and Febreeze. It worked pretty well, though I would also throw in a woolite/water mix to help with cleaning and deodorizing. If you had a Bissell or other steam cleaning vaccuum, that would probably help.

I`m sure there are better ways, but that worked well enough that the smell is pretty much gone. Hope this helps.

07-15-2004, 08:30 AM
My dad used to use a bag of used coffee grounds to keep the cab of his 18 wheeler fresh. Just a thought. I once rented a car that someone had spilled a gallon of milk in the trunk. Well it was ok till it rained, the sun cam eout and I closed the windows and turned on the air. OOOHHHWEEEE!!!!! Had to drive 50 miles back to the agency to get new car. Good luck!!!

07-15-2004, 10:02 AM
What are you doing drinking in the car? :nono :D

A friend of mine had a similar incident, had to remove the seat to get everything. Though it was an ice cream shake, he used Eimann Fabrik Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner (and a lot of agitation) then steam cleaned the area to get rid of any leftover smell.

Seemed to work.

07-15-2004, 01:35 PM
I would try some oxiclean.

It could be the drink has pooled under the carpet.

Matt M, PA
07-15-2004, 02:52 PM
My DAd "lost" a cup of coffee in his Taurus wagon. And, promptly forgot about it. The smell got BAD.

I used my old stand-by, Spray 9 mixed 50-50 with water. Cleans like crazy.

07-15-2004, 08:39 PM
Thanks for the replies. I think I am going to have to remove the seats and steam clean.:up