View Full Version : GLARE & Du Pont

07-13-2004, 06:11 AM
Well we have talked about this one before but I have been doing some research and have found that it`s spreading all over the world and even Honda will soon be endorsing it.

I will be ringing Magic Seal in NSW, who use and sell this brand and even though half of me is thinking it`s BS and the other half saying give it a go to find out for sure

The only thing I have against it is that it`s main ingredient "GLASSPLEXIN" is just a fancy name for silicate which I found out is silicone and oxygen. Amazingly in the glare site, there is a section with the sentence - does not contain silicone, acrylic, teflon or polymer. Many other detailing sites state this and I have nothing against these things. Klasse, Omikron, Four Star and many other manufacturers have these things in them and there is certainly nothing wrong with silicone.

Also I`ve decided to ditch the idea of getting the Du Pont car care series of products. It`s 16 oz retail sized and teflon is being so over marketed and especially as a protectant so instead I`ll get One Grand from WCD.

Will definately try it out and let you know how it goes. I have put it off so many times but now I think what the hell. If it does turn out to be rubbish, I know that Glare will only get my money once.