View Full Version : Vanilla Moose vs California Clear Coat

07-12-2004, 05:24 PM
I am a big fan of Vanilla Moose and a number of Clearkote`s products. Recently however, I have learned that there is a Beauty Shine and American Shine distributor in my backyard. American Shine`s Liquid Carnauba and oddly named California Clear Coat have been compared a few times to Clearkote`s products as far as quality, ease of use, and level of `sun friendliness` (Which is a boon as I live where thats all there is). I`m considering trying out American Shine as it will save me the shipping costs and their products are pretty competitive. However, I`m curious if anyone who has experience with these products would be able to compare them so I have a rough idea prior to trying them.

07-12-2004, 05:44 PM
I`ve used both products and both are very good. CCC seems to darken paint a touch more than VM and VM is a little slicker. Other than that, they are pretty close.

07-12-2004, 05:46 PM
Is this CCC abrassive?

07-12-2004, 08:08 PM
From what I`ve read it has a similar level of abrasiveness to VM. Im sure ScottWax can clear that up though. Sounds like I`m going to have to experiment soon with American Shine. Hope it works nice, because I can use the savings : D

07-13-2004, 01:33 AM
If CCC is abrasive, it is a very mild abrasive. Dale DeSterno is an American Shine distributor, maybe he can clarify it.

07-13-2004, 06:53 AM
Nope, I don`t think it will remove any swirls or scratches at all...well, physically remove them at least. It does a good job of hiding them. It is a tru blu optical/chemical enhancer.

07-13-2004, 08:20 AM
So, how do you spell it? Is it abrassive, abbrasive, or abrasive? Looks like Scottwax got us there! Anything you suck at, man?

07-13-2004, 10:08 AM