View Full Version : need serious help?

07-12-2004, 09:49 AM
Hey guys out there i have a black honda that really really needs to be detailed swirls and small little scratches left due to car washes and i need to do something abou this but the problem is that i`m a newbie and i don`t even know anything if someone could help out on what to get and what steps to take ( what to do and what not to do?) gi me some tips cuz i`m messin with the paint.

07-12-2004, 10:04 AM
You`ll want to do a search on each of the following topics:




07-12-2004, 10:04 AM
Tons of options here, start with these ideas:

-First thing is try autopia university forum for new people.

-Look above and click learn. Read all you can take in!

-Do a search on "swirl removal"

-Check hall of fame forum for other important topics.

Tons of info here. Do you searches and research before asking any questions. 90% of the time it has been asked and answered before (or in the case of swirl remover about 5 new threads per day:o )

Good Luck!

07-12-2004, 10:06 AM

Please visit the Learn and Search functions available at the top of the browser window. It will probably take you a couple of weeks to sort through all the information available there. Most of your NOOB questions have pre-existing answers.