View Full Version : Zaino bonding after 1Z PP/MP?

07-06-2004, 10:09 PM
Well, I tried to search for the answer and did not have much luck. I may be search skills-deficient, but I think it has to do with the 3 letter word minimum.

Anyway, I`m sure this has been discussed before, but I`d appreciate it if someone could give me the answer since I can`t seem to find it on my own.

I have decided I`m going to use 1Z PP and/or MP when I do my post-winter detail next Spring. I was going to do it sooner, but I figured why not wait `til after winter, since I`m sure it will need it after winter`s harshness. Plus, my paint just really isn`t THAT scratched yet, though there is some swirling.

So, my question is this:

I understand that the 1Z polishes contain some fillers and/or oils/waxes. I will be using Zaino after the polishing is done. Will the Zaino bond to the 1Z, or will I need to do something to remove the 1Z before applying Zaino?

Thank you for your help!

07-06-2004, 10:25 PM
You will need to wash using Z7 after the polish to remove any surface contaminants (oils, waxes, and fillers). I`m not saying Zaino will not work being applied directly after the polish but because Zaino Show Car Polish is optically perfect (99.9%) The optimum results are achieved by using over wax free paint.

07-06-2004, 10:36 PM
OK, I can handle that. Thanks, dternst, for the quick response!