View Full Version : My 02 Paint job doesn`t look too good...

Lord Banshee
07-06-2004, 01:39 PM
Well hello it has been a while since i posted but i seem to have a problem.

I have not had much time to wash/polish/wax the car like i used to the past year. I have been very busy working 40 hours a week and going to college full time and it seemed that my car has gotten the worst treatment other then myself getting no sleep lol.

This past saturday i wash the car with Meg. Gold Class, Polished with Meg. #7 and added s100 after for a nice wax coat. I did it by hand and it took me around 2-3 hours to do and when i was done it seemed that i wasn`t very pleased with the results i used to get. The car shined but i noticed more swirl marks and scratches then i ever did before. Also the car didn`t seem to be as deep as it used to.

Also it seems that my paint on my sideview mirrors is oxidizing.. wtd :shocked ....

I am not sure what else to use other then buying a protal cable and useing some other form of polish and wax...

It was a sad day for my 02 celica :( and more me.

BTW it is a black car, and i am going to throw out all my terry cloths and microfiber ones just incase something was inside them that didn`t get washed out....

00 scrub
07-06-2004, 05:44 PM
Have you tried scratch-x or meg #9? On my Celi the Scratch-X by hand helped quite a bit.

Lord Banshee
07-06-2004, 05:44 PM
Well i got home today and i put a coat of Meg. #26 and top off of s100 on my side view windows and it looks like it help the look of them alot. So i figure in another day or 2 i do the same step. It looks like it wants oils.

But what about my paint :(

Come on you guys are the :bow gods of automotive paint, you must help. Do you need any pictures i could try to help I have a 1MP camera that takes crappy pictures lol. It used to do better but i am not sure whats wrong with it....



Lord Banshee
07-06-2004, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by 00 scrub

Have you tried scratch-x or meg #9? On my Celi the Scratch-X by hand helped quite a bit.

I have yet to try either product but i head that #9 is hard to do by hand but i guess i will try the scratch-X this weekend or maybe a day after work.

07-06-2004, 05:50 PM
Pictures always help. Off the cuff, I would say get yourself a PC and some good polish. Poorboy`s SSR`s, Meguiar`s #80 or 83 and try that.

07-06-2004, 06:31 PM
You`ve got the right cure to your problem. LOSE THE TERRY TOWELS. ;-)

The other possible source for your paint problems could be whatever you are using to wash with. Hopefully it`s either a good chenille or lambswool mitt.

Now that you`re not going to install any more scratches on your paint, you can begin fixing the swirls/scratches that are on there. As the others have suggested, use something abrasive, and get the car back to scratch-free. Then, return to the glze/wax routine, but only use good microfibers.

07-06-2004, 06:43 PM
[WARNING: Another of Accumulator`s Autopian Heresies follows:] :o

Being busy with both work and college is a perfectly good reason to *not* spend a bunch of time on your car`s cosmetics. Spend your time and money on job/education stuff for now.

[ End of Heresy] ;)

Besides getting rid of things that mar paint (like those towels), you need a new regimen that will allow you to keep your ride looking OK while you`re pursuing things that deserve to be prioritized. Not easy when you have a black daily driver!

Using a glaze/wax combo just isn`t the right thing for you at this time.

Get a polish that`s easy to use by hand. Something like 1Z`s PP (my choice) or Meg`s #20. Put something long lasting on top of it, like their Glanz or at least Meg`s #16.

Lord Banshee
07-06-2004, 07:23 PM
Well i attempted to Use some 3M Swirl Mark remover covered with #26 on half the hood just now. I can`t really see if it did anything. I will see in the morning when it is bright outside.

Another downfall i have is that i have no garage and my only friend that does have one is car is down so it is taking his garage :(

Lord Banshee
07-06-2004, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by Accumulator

[WARNING: Another of Accumulator`s Autopian Heresies follows:] :o

Being busy with both work and college is a perfectly good reason to *not* spend a bunch of time on your car`s cosmetics. Spend your time and money on job/education stuff for now.

[ End of Heresy] ;)

Besides getting rid of things that mar paint (like those towels), you need a new regimen that will allow you to keep your ride looking OK while you`re pursuing things that deserve to be prioritized. Not easy when you have a black daily driver!

Using a glaze/wax combo just isn`t the right thing for you at this time.

Get a polish that`s easy to use by hand. Something like 1Z`s PP (my choice) or Meg`s #20. Put something long lasting on top of it, like their Glanz or at least Meg`s #16.

Thanks and yeah you are right.

Is 1Z`s PP = Einszett 1Z Paint Polish

Glanz = Einszett 1Z Glanz Wax "Hart-Glanz"

what type of cloths and would you suggest?

I was thinking geting

1) Sonüs Der Wunder Drying Towel, Pkg/2

2) Khaki Microfiber Buffing Towel, Pkg/6

3) Geniune Wool Wash Mitt

Need to save some money.

Oh yeah what kind of aplicators should i buy? I been using the foam ones that you buy that the local store? Are they anygood? or should i get some thing expensive also.

07-06-2004, 10:00 PM
In my own personal history, I`ve found the source of the majority of my swirls came from drying the car after washing. Now that I have "seen the light" I use the "sheeting with water" technique of drying and then blot-dry.

I agree about concentrating on the schoolwork. Do well in school = good job = more money = more cars you can afford to buy and detail :D

07-07-2004, 10:00 AM
Lord Banshee- Yeah, you`ve got it on the 1Z stuff. The towels you plan to get should work fine. The applicators from the store might be soft enough, hard to tell. The mailorder ones from CMA and TOL are pretty cheap. Consider that you`ll be paying shipping on the 1Z stuff; maybe you oughta just order everything from one place and get the applicators too.

Lord Banshee
07-07-2004, 12:05 PM
What is TOL?

And CMA doesn`t seem to have 1z products or did i just miss it?

07-07-2004, 12:41 PM
the autopia store has 1Z stuff, and it seems reasonably priced

Lord Banshee
07-07-2004, 03:18 PM
To add to the problems listed in the first post i also noticed that when the sun reflects off the paint i see what looks to be waterspots into the paint. For some reason i was thinking the only way to get this out is with a polisher and some polish but what do i know.