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07-04-2004, 10:00 PM
I was recently riding my bike around the neighbourhood, looking for more upscale cars I could pursuit for detailing.

I found a couple very nice cars, but the formost is a C5 Corvette. Its in half decent condition, and it looks like a some what " easier" detail.

Now the question is, would you as a owner, feel upset if you were to find that a local detailer had gone and left a flyer in on your windshield, that has been put in a ziplock bag? I think the ziplock bag would show that you`re careful, and professional towards how you advertise, and it would turn out ok.

Any thoughts and help on the current dilema would help, thanks.

07-04-2004, 10:28 PM
IF I was going to take that approach, I`d stick it on the side of his mailbox.

Just the idea of someone approaching my car like that bothers me...


07-04-2004, 10:32 PM
Yeah putting an advertisement on the mailbo or in their door or somethin is what I would do. You could also ring their doorbell and talk to them about what you do and why you would like to detail their car if you are a sociable person.

07-04-2004, 10:35 PM
Never touch someone`s car without their permission. I would certainly not appreciate it and never pay attention when I get things put on my window.

07-04-2004, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by ZaneO

Never touch someone`s car without their permission. I would certainly not appreciate it and never pay attention when I get things put on my window.

I read all the things put on my car. I put the business in my never-buy-from-them pile. :nono

07-04-2004, 11:04 PM
I never read what`s left under my wiper. Leave the flyer on the door.

07-04-2004, 11:59 PM
The thing about the windshield fliers is that most people will disregard them. However, by playing the numbers game I guess you will get the calls. As far as personal opinions on them, I hate them but I also realize its a cheap way for small businesses or non profits to advertise. I don`t think many Autopians will say they like it (or tolerate for that matter) but this is also the home of care care extremism : D

07-05-2004, 11:03 AM
Ok, I see where you guys are coming from, and I agree, I was just wondering what the thoughts were on it.

So, what I`m going to do is, the next time I see the corvette there, I`ll go and ring the door bell and say something like "Hello, I`m from Steve`s Auto Car Care, and noticed that you own a very nice car, that I would be very interested in detailing." If they would show any interest, I would then go and explain to them the processes, and techniques I would use, ect. Should be sweet if I do get the business. It would be the next most expensive car I`ve done next to my dad`s Infintii FX45.

07-05-2004, 11:30 AM
I like the idea of the Ziplock bag. I too ignore most under-the-wiper solicitations, and find them annoying, but the Ziplock bag is interesting and might catch my attention.

You might want to mention WHY you used the Ziplock bag on your flyer.

I wouldn`t mention that the customer has a nice car. That`s a little too personal. You don`t want to make people feel like you are checking out their stuff.

Instead, you might want to say something like "Do you value a first-rate professional deatail?" followed immediatley by your (affordable) prices. Who can say no to that? Make the customer feel like they have good taste.

07-05-2004, 12:21 PM
Buick_guy - You have received some very good and useful feed back from your fellow Autopians, sound advice if I may add. Good luck! :xyxthumbs

07-05-2004, 01:04 PM
I like the idea of approaching them personally more than putting the flyer on the windshield.

07-05-2004, 01:16 PM
Mehh, I personally would hate both. Leave a flyer on the door maybe, though I hate that too. People who ring my door are trying to sell something. Something I don`t want, otherwise I`d come to them. And they are wasting my time and forcing me to explain to them why I could care less about what they are selling. A flyer is easier to ignore if you aren`t interested. I guess to me, anyone who has to approach me to sell something doesn`t have something I actually need or want. For some reason I always feel like chasing door-to-door salespeople off my lawn with a shotgun... :nixweiss

To me, leaving it on the door or side of the mailbox (don`t know what laws are like in Canada regarding that) would be better. But really if he`s close to you, maybe ride by a few times and try to catch him in the yard and quickly compliment him/her on his car and give him your card? That way you`re out doing something, riding your bike, so you can be quick and leave and give him time to think about it, vs standing there on his porch expecting some kind of answer from him. I dunno. But a flyer on the car, imo, is the worst possible idea. You can also do a search as this has been discussed many times. :)

07-05-2004, 03:19 PM
If it is in the person`s driveway, then I wouldn`t touch it.

I don`t know but I read all the flyers that I get on my truck. I`m a college guy though and most of the ones I get have coupons for food... lol...

07-05-2004, 10:59 PM
I live in a very small town and I have fliers made up but I have keyed in on business men/women with upscale cars and its easy to find out who they are and I leave one to thier attention at thier place of business.

I have still put a flier on selective cars with a hit ratio of 2 to 5.

Word of mouth has done more than anything.

My flier starts out as follows;

The purpose of my detailing service is to offer to the busy businessman the opportunity to have his car periodically fully detailed and regularly washed.

and ends with ;

I can pick your car up at your place of work and return it saving you the lost pick up and delivery time.

The rest of the text covers the products I use and the methods.

07-06-2004, 01:37 AM
As a potential customer, my views line up with what Aurora 40`s already said. I definitely vote for the personal approach as opposed to the windshield-flyer or Bible-salesman approaches. But I have one more addition. With my conservative cars out front, if a guy rides up on a motorcycle, [Lordy, I`m sorry to admit this], my radar immediately says, "This is a guy to ignore." But if you have a car that`s shining, I might listen to what you have to say. However, you`re looking to get a Vette owner`s business. Maybe that`s a diffferent demographic. :nixweiss