View Full Version : Zymol Leather Products?

07-04-2004, 04:43 PM
Hey all,

new product here that i`ve never seen before. so i`m in Target and i happen to wander into the car section (like i always do ...) and i`m lookin around and its not too bad. LOTS of GC Shampoo for pretty cheap, but i just bought 1/2 gallon of E1 ... :nixweiss

but i`m lookin, and i see two bottles i had never seen in any store before ... Zymol Leather Cleaner, and Zymol Leather Conditioner. They`re pretty small bottles, and are maybe $6 (i`ll have to check again) each a pop. Has anyone else seen these before, or found them anywhere in stores? and secondly, how about actually using them? how to they preform?

My local Pepboys does carry Lexol stuff, and i`m due to get some new leather conditioner/cleaner ... was just gonna get some Lexol, but how bout this Zymol Leather Care stuff?


07-04-2004, 11:27 PM
Go with the Lexol, I tested out the Zymol cleaner and conditioner on my Charcoal leather seats on my Audi TT and it leaves a residue and it`s uneven. The Lexol is far easier to use and IMO better!

07-05-2004, 01:01 AM
I`m not a huge fan of Lexol becuase it seems to leave a coat over the leather, making it feel like plastic.

07-05-2004, 01:12 AM
Lexol Conditioner > *

use woollite:distilled water 1:10 for leather cleaning

07-05-2004, 07:30 AM
Does Lexol smell like "leather" ?

Tks Bob

07-05-2004, 08:03 AM
Zaino Leather In A Bottle smells like leather. Easy to use and hasent ruined my seats in two+ yrs. of use.

07-05-2004, 04:38 PM
I`ve been using Lexol for years now without any problems. It`s the best stuff I`ve tried, and it does a great job conditioning.

I remember back in the old days when I had to get Lexol in the horse saddle section of Petsmart. :D

07-06-2004, 02:56 PM
lol, silly question, but do you suppose they still carry it there? i have to travel 35min. to a Pepboys to get Lexol ... and there`s a Petsmart and a few other petstores like 5 min. away from me ...


ps. what model saab do you have? i used to have a volvo, and swedish cars are in a class all their own ... gotta lov`em