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07-03-2004, 08:27 AM
So this guy at work tells me that my car is covered with it........I don`t know what he means since he left early so I couldn`t actually have him ponit it out, now I`m searching to see any pictures you guys may have posted with this condition.....IMO I think he is talking about something else, more like water spots since I had detailed the car a few days ago and it rained and these drops dried with the noon sun...but now I have this long weekend to WORRY...if I`m not actually seeing it....any links...?

Thanks and Happy 4th!!!


07-03-2004, 08:47 AM
Have a look at http://www.ppg.com/refineurope/PaintDefects/ShowDefect.asp?LanguageId=4&IntDialCode=44&ProcessStage=0&ShowPicture=0&DefectId=101

07-03-2004, 09:11 AM
i think my car may have some orange peel......would AIO and SG take that out?

07-03-2004, 10:03 AM
Unfortunately Kasse will not help, you will need to use a compound or wet sand the paint - not for the faint hearted. There should be a number of threads on how to do this and the risks involved.

07-03-2004, 10:58 AM
Mate, be mortal and live with the orange peel, unless you have a fat wad of hundreds OR a lot of time and patience.....

07-03-2004, 11:24 AM
yeah i think almost all cars have some orange peel on them

07-03-2004, 11:37 AM
wet sanding i believe the only way.. i don`t worry about it as it`s a paint thinner issue

07-03-2004, 11:59 AM
I`ve asked this before and no one really answered the question, so I`m going to try again. I think there just isn`t a positive answer.

I have terrible orange peel in my paint, and I`m wondering if any wax/sealant out there is good for minimizing the appearance of orange peel. I know I`m going to have to live with it, but I was hoping maybe some product can make it less obvious.

07-03-2004, 01:48 PM
Loco- I don`t really think that there is a solution like that. The best advice I can give is to use products that are "deeper" rather than "shinier". e.g., Souveran vs Zaino. More reflective/shinier means more likely to notice the "distortion" from the OP in the reflections.

But note that if you take this to an extreme, the overall appearance might not be as good. I`d worry about it becoming a "tail wagging dog" situation.

FWIW, my Audi S8 has *terrible* OP, let alone for a car in that price range. I just don`t worry about it and I use whatever products make the car look the best overall.

Interesting that you find a lot of OP in your Mazda, it isn`t bad on our MPV.

07-03-2004, 02:00 PM
Thanks, Accumulator. That`s what I figured. Everyone else thinks the car looks great, but I always notice the orange peel. I think I`m just being picky. :)

Since there is no product that will really make it diminish, I`ll just do what I planned to do this week. Zaino topped with S100. I really want to try Souveran, but I need to wait `til I can get it on a discount.

It`s interesting that your MPV doesn`t have as much OP. I`ve yet to see an RX-8 without it. I specifically looked for it when I bought the car, and every one I saw on the lots had it to some degree.

07-03-2004, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by loco

It`s interesting that your MPV doesn`t have as much OP. I`ve yet to see an RX-8 without it... every one I saw on the lots had it to some degree.

My guess is that with everything being so automated these days, the way the specific models go through the paint process means that a) you`re gonna have differences between models and b) within model lines, everything`s gonna be pretty consistent.

And consider that the MPV is basically a big rectangle on wheels, whereas your RX actually has contours- probably makes it much harder to get the paint right.

And, heh heh, when I say the MPV doesn`t have awful OP, I`m used to looking at the S8 :o If I actually went *looking* for it on the MPV who knows what I`d think ;)

The Zaino/P21S combo oughta look *very* good on your car. Heh heh, I sorta stuck my foot in my mouth saying "Souveran instead of Zaino", huh :o

07-03-2004, 05:21 PM
Heh. Don`t worry about it the Zaino thing. I know it will magnify the orange peel to some extent, which is why I was wondering if there was anything that might produce the opposite result. I`m hoping the P21S/S100 wax will calm it down a bit.

I know there is a slight anti-Zaino feeling that has come as a result of so many "Zaino Zealots" out there. I simply like it because of the durability. And to my eyes, it looks very good, but I`m anxious to experiment with a good quality carnauba wax as a topper.

07-03-2004, 05:36 PM
Anyone who says `oh your car has tons of orange peel` is like `oh there sure is smog in LA". Unfortunately its a a tough thing to rectify as you really can only wetsand it down or respray. Its really something to me that isn`t a big deal because very few cars are show cars. Accumulator is right that the best thing to do to camouflage the look of orange peel is to just shoot for making the paint look as dark as possible.

07-03-2004, 06:47 PM
loco- Hey, nothing wrong with liking/using Zaino. That Mazda blue, combined with the lines of the RX-8, could very well be another case where it just plain *works*, even without a topper. So please never feel like you need to justify your choice of Zaino :D Heh heh, for me at least, it`s not an "anti-Zaino" thing, but rather an "anti-Zealot" thing ;) Anyone who thinks that a certain product is the best for *every* paint/vehicle is out to lunch.

07-03-2004, 08:00 PM
I just finished doing my black Tacoma:

dawn wash

Zaino clay bar

Zaino wash

Menzerna ip x2 with PC

Menzerna fp2 with PC

Zaino wash

Zaino Z5 x2

Zaino Z2 x2

waited 24 hours then

S100 as a topper!

it turned out awesome, i think you are really going to like the S100 as a topper over the Zaino. S100 is sooooooooooo easy to work with!

My pictures of the 02 S/C`d Tacoma can be found at ;
