View Full Version : I have Meg`s #7, AIO, SG, and Gold Class, what combo?

00 scrub
07-03-2004, 01:37 AM
Ok so I have accumulated a set of wax, polishes, etc. I have Klasse AIO and SG, and Meg`s #7 Show car glaze, and the Gold Class Wax (Liquid). What can I do with these 4? Can I put the AIo then the #7 then the SG or what? I know I can top the SG with a wax, will Gold Class work well? Should I stick to my AIO then SG? I can only do this by hand or by using my cheap 30 dollar random orbital single speed buffer. Any tips?

07-03-2004, 01:46 AM
well im certainly no expert, but i would have thought you could do the following

AIO -> #7 -> SG -> Gold Class

07-03-2004, 02:37 AM

AIO -> GC wax

#7 -> GC wax

It is very likely that the SG will not bond with the #7, so I would not recommend that as a base.

The solvent content of the GC wax ( because it is a liquid ) is likely to degrade the SG layer if you decide to "top" with it.

I would do it by hand unless you have a decent buffer, just MO.

Others, I am sure, will chime in! :)

07-04-2004, 05:21 AM
I personally wouldn`t use GC on top of anything except maybe the #7, and even that is debatable. I`d use AIO and SG or GC with #7 or by itself.

Gold Class seems to have some cleaner properties, but you may want to search the older discussions about this.

07-04-2004, 06:01 AM
If you must use the #7 it should be done before the AIO. Some of the fillers will remain in place after the AIO and be locked in place for better appearance. #7 is very difficult to work with but all hazying and smearing will be cleared up with your AIO step. Follow with SG x as many coats as you desire. If you must top with the GC liquid (hi in carrier solvents) at least wait about a week after your last coat of SG. GC liquid will probably remove some put not all if you apply light (thin) coats with a little pressure needed to insure complete coverage.

Personally I would not use the #7 and GC liquid with AIO or SG. AIO alone impacts a great finish ready for a long term protectant (SG). :wavey

00 scrub
07-05-2004, 03:37 AM
OK thanks. That is pretty much what I did (AIO + SG). I forgot, I also have a tube of Scratch-X and #9,. I`m guessing these would go on before the AIO, and after the clay, correct?

07-05-2004, 04:50 AM
If used, yes. :wavey

07-05-2004, 10:46 PM
i also notice that #7 dont really last long i applied it on thursday and now it the "deep" look seem to have dissapper alittle already.

but it was great while it lasted

and yea the gc mite not be a great topper since it does seem to have a little cleaner in it.

i would recommend #26.

but as mike p said. "#26 should only be apply to paint that is in nearly perfect condition"

General Lee
07-05-2004, 10:59 PM

#7 doesn`t last long and offers no protection. It is good for a nice "Pop" (the name: show car glaze) it is very oily and should be topped with a pure carnuba to make your finish last.