View Full Version : Water marks/fallout

07-02-2004, 03:33 PM
I work at a Paper mill,and drive a black truck.My paint has some embedded water marks and tiny white fallout spots from the mill.I have tried Ps21 paint cleanser,claybar and Megs #2 fine cut polish.None of these has worked so far.I also did the Vinegar bath to no avail.I think I need to get a more abrasive cleaner/polish.What about Megs #8 DACP?Is this stronger than the #2 polish.Can someone tell me how to fix this and what products to use??


07-04-2004, 04:52 AM
Welcome to Autopia. :welcome

I am not sure if DACP is going to do much more than #2 if you already tried that... do the marks look extremely deep and severe?

How did you apply the #2?

07-04-2004, 09:28 AM
The tiny white spots .. take a needle and see if the tip of it goes in the spot .. if so its probably past anything you can do .. We have chemical fallout problems here and what happens it lands on the car and then you get rain or dew and it dissolves it .. then as the drop dries it concentrates the chemicals untill its in one very small spot and it is then strong enough to burn the clear.

The heat from the sun drying it also promotes this..

If the little white spot is a bump then you might find when you clay it off you will have a little hole as above .. the result is the same.

Hopefully you will be lucky and the white spots will clay off.