View Full Version : Liquid Glass, Wolfgang, Klasse

07-01-2004, 07:47 PM
Hi All,

First post. Excellent site.

I will be attempting to put a protectant in my white Volvo S80 this weekend by applying one of the following

Liquid Glass

Wolfgang sealant

Klass All In One

What is the best product for the job? The finish on the car is slick to the touch. It has a deep shine.

My intentions are to protect the paint and hopefully make the car look better than it already does. This is the first time I will be applying anything to the exterior. I purchased the car pre-owned. It is a 2003. I took delivery 3 weeks ago.



07-01-2004, 08:33 PM
After washing/claying/ and any necessary prep work (hopefully none?) I would apply AIO and then follow up with WG sealant. I plan on trying out Liquid Glass in the next week or so since I found a canister and am curious.

07-01-2004, 08:58 PM
:welcome to Autopia

All are pretty good choices. LG and AIO are "old skool" sealants, both have been around for decades. I`ve heard on the streets that LG was reformulated not too long ago and is not quite as good as it was. Still, its an older aminofunctionalsiloxane with fairly high solvent base and light abrasives. More durable than most waxes but not a state of the art product.

AIO is not a lot different but uses an acrylic formula and has almost no abrasives. It`s very versatile product and if used as a "one step" product perhaps the best on the market. Works very well with a wax topper to add a little depth of shine.

WG is more modern; very low solvents, no noticeable abrasives, but hard to say if its as durable as the others.

If you want just one product to use on the paint (you don`t want to use a multi-step, multi-product process) then I`d suggest AIO over the others. WG is my #2 choice with LG in 3rd.

My 2 pennies. I think you`ll be happy with any of them. Good luck.

07-01-2004, 10:04 PM
i recently tore down my WG SG for Klasse AIO and SG x 3.. however the Klasse "slickness" is just not there.. I have DACP`d my finish beforehand.. now i`m going to put WG SG on top of my Klasse SG

07-01-2004, 10:41 PM
how much of the AIO is needed to do an average size car? thanks for the help

07-01-2004, 10:52 PM
1/2 - 1 oz.