View Full Version : Meguiars detail day Nationwide possibility!

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06-30-2004, 03:59 PM
I was lurking on www.meguiarsonline.com and Mike Phillips was proposing a detailing day to go nationwide to certain cities and wanted feedback if people wanted this. So if your not registered get over their do it and reply to this thread http://www.meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=12224#post12224

I`d love to get one in Houston or nearby Texas area, so lets make this happen. Man I sound like a motivational speaker:p !

06-30-2004, 06:12 PM
Not that it matters, but I wonder why this post was moved?


06-30-2004, 06:18 PM
It definetly won`t get much attention over here, I know it wasn`t in the correct forum but I thought for the benefit of the community it should be seen by as many people as possible. And the detailing forum gets the most traffic, I hope their is a better place to put this if only temporarily to get some feedback. Oh well:( !

Bill D
06-30-2004, 06:20 PM
The thing is, here on Autopia, so many of us are ecclectic in our use of products, we would probably be left out if it is a Meguiars only detailing day :( Why not take the same idea and make an Autopia Nationwide Detailing Day instead? :D

06-30-2004, 06:22 PM
I too thought for the benefit of the community, what you did was perfectly OK.

I`m not sure how many people venture down into the Meguiar`s forum in the vendors section. I`m sure the Moderators have a perfectly good reason to put it down here next to the post I already posted about the poll.


06-30-2004, 06:23 PM
Thats a great idea Bill, but if Mike was the host I`m sure Meguiars would frown upon using other products and his expertise and time using other co`s products. Maybe David B could organize somethin!

Bill D
06-30-2004, 06:37 PM
yeah I know it could get rather awkward for Mike, hmm..maybe other reps would be interested all gathering together side by side to try to "balance out the scale": Forrest, Mike from 1z, Steve from Poorboy`s maybe?

06-30-2004, 06:45 PM
One comment about a free-for-all type event,

I have a hard time getting as much information and hands-on training for Meguiar`s products squeezed into on class on one day.

Consumer line, Professional Line, Techniques for using our products by hand, PC and RB.

Meguiar`s offers a great system approach that starts with Nikken Finishing Papers, Compounds and Foam Cutting Pads and runs through the entire spectrum of products.

A common comment on the feedback forms from the class say something like...

Information Overload!

Through another couple of product lines into the mix and it wouldn`t be very cohesive.

It wouldn`t be awkward for me at all. People sometimes forget I`m just as passionate about detailing as anyone here, you could actually make a case that I`m more passionate than some people here because my passion led to a job working for a wax company.

I never mind comparing products, and I very comfortable with demonstrating other companies products and I always do so with integrity lest the demonstration be worthless.


Bill D
06-30-2004, 06:48 PM
Are we welcome even if we use maybe one or two Meguiars polishes and a few detailing products/cleaners and the rest of our stuff a bunch of products from a bunch of other companies?

06-30-2004, 06:49 PM
Now thats an awesome idea Bill, after that we can put all the guys in those huge sumo suits and have them battle it out for detailing supremacy:D !

Bill D
06-30-2004, 06:49 PM
:lol :lol ROFLMAO!

06-30-2004, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by Bill D

Are we welcome even if we use maybe one or two Meguiars polishes and a few detailing products/cleaners and the rest of our stuff a bunch of products from a bunch of other companies?

Well sure you are.

At the beginning of the Detailing Classes at Meguiar`s on Saturday`s one of the things we started doing was what`s called a Walk-by.

We walk by all of the cars and I ask people what they are currently using to maintain their car`s finish, it`s always a good mix of different companies products.

At the Autopia Detail Day at Meguiar`s I brought out my entire collection of competitors product for people to try.

I would love to be involved in some future Autopian GTG`s as long as it`s OK with the rest of the attending Autopians and the Moderators. I certainly wouldn`t try to make it a Meguiar`s GTG.


Bill D
06-30-2004, 06:55 PM

This sounds like a outstanding plan :xyxthumbs. I certainly hope we could make such days materialize for us nationwide

06-30-2004, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by Bill D

Are we welcome even if we use maybe one or two Meguiar`s polishes and a few detailing products/cleaners and the rest of our stuff a bunch of products from a bunch of other companies?


Let me rephrase that,

At a Meguiar`s detailing clinic, I probably wouldn`t let you break out brand X and start applying it to your car. If you want to do that after you leave the class, that`s up to you. I mean it is a Meguiar`s Detailing Class. People that don`t want to learn about Meguiar`s products as well as techniques for detailing there cars don`t have to attend, or can attend a brand X class if that`s the product they want to learn about.

What I meant to say, but didn`t do so very well, is that I realize people have their favorite products, but if Meguiar`s host a detailing clinic, were doing so to show people how to use Meguiar`s products, not brand X.

At an Autopia GTG it`s a free-for-all, you can do whatever your want.

Bill D
06-30-2004, 07:02 PM
Well, would be interested in an Autopia g-t-g