View Full Version : Little old Greek women love SG.

imported_Yosemite Dan
06-29-2004, 07:44 PM
So I was parking in the street today and I was putting money into the meter as this elderly Greek woman (I`m of Greek descent so I know my accents and the area is predominantly Greek not that it really matters where she`s from) walks by. She says in broken english "You have beautiful car, so clean and shiny, like mirror" I blushed and said "Thank you" and afterwards I thought this SG stuff must really work if a little old lady who probably can`t tell the difference between a minivan and a Mini Cooper noticed my car`s finish. Either that or all the other cars in the immediate area must have been really dirty.

Somehow I found it more gratifying to have her compliment my work more than one of my regular Joe Gearhead friends. Now I`m motivated to put another layer on. Just thought I`d share that with y`all.

06-29-2004, 09:11 PM
Dan, that`s cool. My grandparents always comment on how shiny my car is. It`s very gratifying when the people you least expect to notice your work do in fact notice it.

So you`re Greek eh? Very cool. My parents are from northern Greece. Though I don`t speak Greek.


Nick Chronis
06-29-2004, 11:31 PM
Σαν καθρεφτεις!! At least she didn`t say it looked like you rubbed some olive oil on it. :D

06-30-2004, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by BillNorth

Dan, that`s cool. My grandparents always comment on how shiny my car is. It`s very gratifying when the people you least expect to notice your work do in fact notice it.


These are the best compliments.



I could go for some Loukoumades, about now.


imported_Yosemite Dan
06-30-2004, 06:21 PM
Bill actually my parents are from northern Greece as well(the Macedonian region). Safe to assume now your real last name isn`t North unless it`s Northopoulos.;) I don`t speak Greek either just Macedonian. Maybe we`re cousins and we don`t know it. :nixweiss

06-30-2004, 07:54 PM
Dan, lol! You`re Macedonian!! So am I!! Maybe we are cousins and we don`t know it, lol!

You know, the funny thing is neither `Bill` or `North` are my real names. This was the very first message board I joined on the internet way back when, and being new to the whole thing I just used a fake name. `BillNorth` was the first thing I pulled out of my a$$. Don`t know why that name in particular. But everyone here knows me as Bill, so I just stuck with it and never bothered changing it.

You have one up on me since I barely speak any Massey either. My Baba wants to smack me whenever she calls because I can barely communicate with her, lol.

Oh well, enough of my rambling. I`ll talk to you later!

`Bill`. :up

imported_Yosemite Dan
06-30-2004, 08:49 PM
Yeah my Macedonian isn`t exactly earth shattering either. I have to confess my 1st name really isn`t Yosemite. ;)

Maybe we should change the "BillNorth method" to the "Macedonian method". Rolls off the tongue better.

Bill, check your PM`s. This is too funny.