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06-29-2004, 02:41 PM
This news can`t be good for us who wash at home.

Click Here

Federal rule bans residential carwashing (http://www.carwash.com/news.asp?mode=4&N_ID=48664)

06-29-2004, 03:01 PM
Looks legal as long as there isn`t water running off into the drains. You could use QEW or wash your car on your lawn so the water soaks into the grass (though that would eliminate the use of harsh chemicals).

06-29-2004, 04:29 PM
I would think that unless someone has a very short driveway that slopes toward the street, the water from car washing isn`t going to make it to the storm drains. When I wash my car with a hose the run-off doesn`t go much more than 10 feet in any one direction anyway.

This sounds like a piece of work from someone who`s got too much time on their hands. :rolleyes:

06-29-2004, 04:34 PM
Speaking of the ridiculous. I was washing a customer`s vehicle which was covered in pine needles. He remarked that because of all the trees here he called the county to make sure he could put up a simple car port. Keep in mind that this is rural and not downtown or in suburbia, no one would see it. The county told him that it would have to be `engineered` and that he would need to pay $800 for a license to get it done. I told him to F the county and do it without their approval. The county I live in is overtly communist and this is just a sample of day to day life here.

06-29-2004, 05:12 PM
Pretty odd they are worried about run off from car washing when cars leak oil, antifreeze and other stuff onto the roads and every time it rains, all that gunk is washed into the drains.

06-29-2004, 05:16 PM
Catch me if you can....stay away for the storm drains and no worrys. Usually the drains here specify if they drain into a river or creek?

06-29-2004, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by HellrotCi

I would think that unless someone has a very short driveway that slopes toward the street, the water from car washing isn`t going to make it to the storm drains. When I wash my car with a hose the run-off doesn`t go much more than 10 feet in any one direction anyway.

This sounds like a piece of work from someone who`s got too much time on their hands. :rolleyes:

I agree that most of the water will be absorbed by the driveway material or evaporated if there is high temperatures (80+). If you have a gravel driveway this is not a concern.

Just another way the man is trying running my life, in the land of the free. Or the carwash lobby trying to suck more money from my pocket.


06-29-2004, 08:17 PM
I hate that law, its so stupid, since my driveway always runs off into the storm drain. Lucky Americans :):P

06-29-2004, 08:27 PM
I`ve heard about this too. I don`t understand it. For one carwash soap is biodegradable so all that is running into the storm drains is everything that got on the car, you know from nature that also got on the roads and ran off in the storm drains, and biodegradable soap.

Typical big gov`t BS.

06-29-2004, 09:18 PM
it is aone of those laws that really won`t be enforeced, simply because the manpower to issue $30.00 citations, adn overflow in the courts would make it not realistic.

like the law in VA if you have your windsheild wipers on, you must also have your headlamps on, I can guarante that there has never been a citation issued for noncompliance for that law.

Anthony O.
06-29-2004, 09:21 PM
My arguement to this has been the same for some time now, and as Scott already pointed out, how can you ban carwashing when a Texas rainstorm will wash down the storm drains tons more gunk in a 15 minute down pour (like the ones we have had here all week!) than I ever will in a year of car washing?

What will the feds say to the boyscouts, girlscouts, high school band or church youth group that has a fundraising carwash on Saturday at the local burger joint?

I do abide by the EPA regulations but I still think it`s stupid.:rolleyes:

Also, biodegradeable is not the same as biocompatible. Biodegradeable products break down but they must be broken down into the soils. If they are carried off directly to water, from what I have read and been told, they can still pollute.

I`ll tell you what the FEDS should of shut down.......they should of shut down REAL QUICK last weekends "Bikini Car Wash" at this local car electronics upgrade shop. Sheesh, talk about women that should NEVER be seen in a bikini:nono Let me put it this way, I would have to be really desperate and hard up to watch these gals (I think they were girls:nixweiss ) wash, or should I say "scratch" my car just to say I gawked at girls in bikinis washing cars......where do they find these gals? I mean there are some nice looking women in Texas, right?


06-29-2004, 10:15 PM
The important thing to remember here is "Feds", that says it all.

06-29-2004, 11:03 PM
Anthony-come to the Hooters car washes in north Arlington....definitely some very attractive women at that one!

I hear ya on the rain. Non stop here too. Luckily I have enough customers with garage queens to at least give me something to do. Probably lost more than $1000 this month because of the rain and weirdly, I will still have a better than average June.

06-29-2004, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by JrToyota

The important thing to remember here is "Feds", that says it all.

Actually I would say that the Federal government is less insane than my county and state. Just a few bills that have been tossed around the state government here include:

-Making Feng Shui mandatory in building codes because it is a science

-Requiring parental consent to go to a tanning salon for minors but not required for an abortion

-Giving 13 year olds the right to vote, but its only .5 of a vote

The bikini wash/fundraisers around here have been a joke. No bikinis, just Ajax and beach towels : D

06-29-2004, 11:24 PM
ncal-we have stupid laws like that too. Here in Arlington, you used to be able to bring your kid to a bar since minors can drink in Texas if they are in the presence of their parents. Since they passed the no smoking laws (actually kind of nice since I don`t smoke but still my libertarian streak believes it violates the private property rights of the business owner) and bars do not have a no smoking section; kids are not allowed in bars now.

Go figure. It is okay for a 15-year-old to have a few beers with Dad but not okay to be in a place that doesn`t have a non-smoking section. :nixweiss