View Full Version : My PC is not spining?

06-27-2004, 04:13 PM
Need you guys advices,

I have recently bought the PC 7336 from Lowes. Today, I tried it. If I turn the PC on and let it spin freely without put it on the car surface, then it is spinning. However, as soon as I put it down onto the car`s surface, then it refuses to spin...If I crank it up to 5, then it spin really slow. I can even hold the pad by my hand. I notice although the center is not spinning, the counterweight is still spinning. and a lot of vibration.

Any Idea? Did I forget to turn on some switch?


06-27-2004, 04:15 PM
it is NOT supposed to really spin

it just jiggles and vibrates around on the surface

this is how it is DESIGNED to work

06-27-2004, 04:16 PM
Exactly. If you want a machine that spins then you want to get a rotary. The PC is safer for beginners because its not going to spin at super high speeds and burn your paint. The `jiggling` action is sufficient to remove swirls and do just about whatever you want to your car. Its definitely doing what it is supposed to do.

06-27-2004, 04:20 PM
Oh...See I learn new thing everyday....Thanks for your supper lightning replies....I thought my PC is not functioning correctly....

:D :D

Thanks again.

06-28-2004, 11:31 PM
linhsy, this is probably obvious from the other replies but ... Just don`t "lay on the pressure" when you use it on your car. Me, I`m still trying to find the right combinations of the PC`s speed-setting and my own pressure. I think maybe it takes a while to get the right combo.