View Full Version : Why does my hood look like it has thousands of rock chips?

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06-27-2004, 02:23 PM
Sorry, that`s the best way I can describe it.

And this may be a stupid question...haha

My hood had lots of swirls. I used IP and a CMA yellow pad with pretty good success. But now, the hood seems to have a bunch of tiny "dings" in the clearcoat. Like tiny, tiny, tiny rock chips is the best way I can describe it.

Did I do something wrong? I did the same process over the entire car. Some of the other panels have this as well, but not as bad. Don`t get me wrong, it looks so much better than when it had swirls, I`m just curious what this is....from my process, or something else? I thought my procedure, although amatuerish, was still very slow and thorough...and careful.

imported_Yosemite Dan
06-27-2004, 03:51 PM
Is the paint chipped itself or is just alot of dings. Without pics it makes it difficult to diagnose. Depending on the products used imperfections are going to show alot more. When I put a couple of layers of SG little dings showed up alot more because of the reflectivity of it.

It could be from a hail storm the car went thru (I know I got some of those) either that or stop tailgating. ;)

06-27-2004, 03:54 PM
Some pics will help ;)

06-27-2004, 03:56 PM
did you clay the car before polishing? also since you have a clean suface you might notice those little rock chips more because your paying more attention to the specific apperence of the surface then you had previously.

06-27-2004, 04:33 PM
Yeah....I know pics would help, BUT....I don`t have a digital camera.

Him...I don`t think they are actually rock chips, most of my rock chips can be felt. These cant. They are basically imperfections in the clearcoat. Thousands of them, about the size of a pinhead, probably smaller than that actually.

Yes, I clayed prior to polishing.

They are actually all over the vehicle, just were more noticeable on the hood, and many more.

I don`t tailgate, actually, It barely gets driven (It`s far from a stock vehicle)....and when I do drive it I follow way behind vehicles.


06-27-2004, 04:48 PM
mine has this too! it is only on the hood though, which is fiberglass. I kinda figured it might have something to do with that.

what kind of car do you have?

06-27-2004, 04:50 PM
yep i have some on mine too,

06-27-2004, 04:52 PM
(About 4" off finish)

(note: this is NOT metallic black)

06-27-2004, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by C-MDX

Some pics will help ;)


06-27-2004, 04:55 PM
It`s a 2001 VW Jetta, Cool White

That would be a similar pick to what mine PROBABLY looks like...but since my vehicle is white I can`t be certain if that`s the same thing....but yup...that`s what I`m thinkin I have too.

BUT, my hood isn`t fiberglass.

06-27-2004, 05:06 PM
That looks so much like paint overspray, but you said that you clayed, which should have removed it. However, if it sat on there for awhile, it my have cured to the surface making it very difficult to remove. And since you can`t feel it, it makes me think that it is something else. On the Jetta, try QD`ing it, it may be the case that the IP "dusted" upon removal, the specs may be an extreme case of the debis left after removal. Just a couple thoughts, hope they help.

06-27-2004, 05:51 PM
If and when I buy a camera I`ll make another thread to show you guys what I`m talkin about.

06-27-2004, 11:13 PM
Tusin take a pin and see if the tip of it will go in one of the little imperfections .. If it does it could be chemical damage.. this is common around here .. we get SO2 fallout here and add a little water and you get H2SO4 .. as the droplett dries it gets smaller and concentrates the acid .. eventually making a tiny pin hole in the clear.

I have used a colored wax with some sucess to mask this and on black it works well.

06-27-2004, 11:55 PM
I`ll try that...but, I don`t think we`ve ever had acid rain up here in Alaska. I could be wrong though.

Plus...if it something like that wouldn`t it be on the roof too? I say some on the roof, but not as much as the hood.

Really, it looks very similar to the pic posted, expect my car is white so it doesn`t show up nearly as much.

I`m just a little bummed though...now instead of seeing swirls from the sun I see these tiny "chips"...but like I said, I can`t feel them with my finger, fingernail, etc.

06-28-2004, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by Tusin

I`ll try that...but, I don`t think we`ve ever had acid rain up here in Alaska. I could be wrong though.

Plus...if it something like that wouldn`t it be on the roof too? I say some on the roof, but not as much as the hood.

Usually there is more on the hood becuase of the heat generated there... If you have any form of industry up there there is a possibility of acid rain .. it can even blow in fron Russia.. A good portion of the acid raim problems we have in Ontario come up from the US to the south.