View Full Version : Switching to LG...how much of current wax job do I have to remove?

06-27-2004, 12:06 PM
Ok, about 3 weeks ago I did the first wax job on my black 00 GTP. Here were the steps

Dawn wash

clay entire car

Meguire swirl remover (9?)

Meguire show car glaze (7?)

NXT wax

Looked good, had a nice deep black look, but now i want a really shiny glass look. Something that will get people to comment on it, dont get me wrong, nothing wrong with NXT, just want to see what oter products will do. It was my first job remember.

However, what do I need to do to remove my current job? Or can I just polish again and apply glaze then liquid glass, or do I need to dawn wash again? (I know its harsh) Thanks :)

06-27-2004, 12:30 PM
I wouldn`t use the Dawn. I dunno if it`s really as harsh as we sometimes make it out to be, but I also don`t think it`s gonna really "strip" the fresh NXT, either.

I`m also not sure the LG will give you what you`re after. I had it on one of my cars and I sure wasn`t all *that* impressed. It was OK with a Souvern topper, but nothing special.

Before redoing everything, I think I`d try topping the NXT with some #16 or P21S/S100 and see how that looked. Generally, there are a lot of products I`d expect you to like a *lot* better than the LG. Not a slam, it`s not *bad* stuff, but I just don`t see it knocking your socks off the way it sounds like you want.

Anhow, back to your *real* question :o Maybe you oughta try a 50/50 alcohol/water mix, or get some PrepSol or something like that. Either one should strip the NXT and anything left from the #9/#7 too, giving you a fresh surface for whatever you want to try next. This approach would save both the effort and the paint loss from polishing.

06-27-2004, 01:57 PM
Take a look at this post...


Is that the kind of result I could get close to with LG? Dont get me wrong, its a nice vette, so perhaps not, but close? That pic is much better then results I achieved...see my post.. here
