View Full Version : What protects for everyday drivers?

06-27-2004, 08:18 AM
I am wondering what will produce a wonderful shine and good protection for my every day drivers. I have 2001 passat that will be sitting outside at all times along with a blue 200 jetta that also sits outside all the time. the jetta has swirl markes and so forth i would like to remove. there is also my fathers suburban that stays in teh garage,but also a daily driver. i would like all the vehicles to look great while also having adequate protection on them form the elements

I have heard the Menzerna IP and FP would be good for the jetta to remove the swirls? is there anythying else anyone would recomend?

what would be a good line of products for the passat and the suburban to keep them looking there best?

i also plan on getting a PC to apply these products.

would the p21s cleansing lotion - Klasse AIO - P21s wax be a good choice for the passat and suburban ?

please help..i am a newbie

06-27-2004, 08:30 AM
Protection and good looks? IMO the Klasse twins ( AIO and SG ) do a wonderful job and look great. The P21S looks a fair bit warmer and deeper, but lacks the durability of the SG. You can however top the SG with P21S for a warmer, deeper look but retaining the great protection. :xyxthumbs

The Menzerna twins IMO are great, depending upon the severity of the swirls.

Then you need a PC, pads, MF towels, WW drying towels, clay, QD etc etc etc.......:p

06-27-2004, 11:21 AM
I think you can never go wrong with a good sealant system like the AIO/SG combination. It will look great and be highly durable. If you like it but want a more carnauba glow then you can always throw a coat of your favorite wax on top of it to deepen the look.

06-27-2004, 11:28 AM
I have gotten up to 6 months protection on a daily driver that sits outside with the Klasse twins. I try to re-detail every 90 days.

06-27-2004, 12:48 PM
I will suggest BF2 or WG sealant as options as well. WG is easy to apply after good prep. Throw on another coat every 4 months I`d say.

06-27-2004, 07:39 PM
I`ve only tried WG of the products mentioned above. It has been on our two daily drivers for about a month. I love the look and it`s very easy to use.