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06-26-2004, 11:45 PM
Hey guys, i`m still sort of a newb on the board, more of a lurker than a poster. Im always hearing about Zaino on all the online forums, including this one. I`ve always stayed away, mainly for the fact that they recommend using dish soap, which is a big no no in my book. But so, other than that, what are the real benefits? Zaino is a polish right, so it basically has no protective value? Do you wax on top of Zaino? What exactly are all the steps. Sorry for the newb-ish questions. BTW, heres a pic of my car, do you guys even think it needs any sort of Zaino?


06-26-2004, 11:46 PM
oh and BTW, if any Orlando area Zaino folks would like to show me first hand how its done, it`d be greatly appreciated.

06-26-2004, 11:54 PM
IMO don`t bother. There are so many better products out there. I used Zaino for several months, and after discovering products such as 1Z Glanz wax, Meguiar`s #16, P21S/S100, Klasse twins, Poorboys EX-P, and so on, Zaino is not all that great. Zaino is a sealant, Sal calls it a polish because it contains no carnauba. It`s alot better on lighter colors, but lacks depth on darker colors.

06-27-2004, 12:08 AM
IMHO, it really depends on what you want out of the product.

I`m not sure there`s anything out there better than Zaino when it comes to durability. If applied correctly, Zaino lasts 6 months easy, and maintenance is a simple wash and quick detail with Z6 spray. I`ve gone 7 months between Zaino`ing and the water was still beading like crazy.

However, if you are looking for a deep, dark shine and do not care about durability (i.e. you don`t mind waxing your car every 4-6 weeks), you might as well just get a good carnauba wax. Many people on this forum highly recommend S100 wax.

I think Zaino`s shine is very nice, but it is more about reflectivity than depth.

a.k.a. Patrick
06-27-2004, 12:12 AM
You wont find me trying to talk you into Z......

06-27-2004, 12:26 AM
Nevermind the Zaino! How do you deal with that camber!?

06-27-2004, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by OneCleanCL

Hey guys, i`m still sort of a newb on the board, more of a lurker than a poster.

Indeed. Which is why I moved your thread into the Autopia Univ. forum. That`s where we ask folks to post their initial questions. You`ll find info about this in the "house rules" (posted from the homepage) and in this Detailing Forum sticky. (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13595)

Zaino is a polish right, so it basically has no protective value?

Detailing-manufacturers and other human beings are capricious in their use of the term "polish." Here, we generally reserve the "polish" term for abrasive products designed to remove/reduce swirls and scratches. Unfortunately, Zaino named their product "Show Car Polish" -- probably because most rubes use the phrase "I`m a-gonna polish my car" when most Autopians would say "I think I shall now wax/seal my car."

Zaino has no protective value? :rofl I think you`d better do some reading. It`s been tested as having the most protective value of any wax/sealant on the market.

Im always hearing about Zaino on all the online forums, including this one. I`ve always stayed away, mainly for the fact that they recommend using dish soap, which is a big no no in my book. But so, other than that, what are the real benefits?

Given what you`re telling us in this post, and your "I dare you to talk me into using Zaino" tone, I`m tempted to make some really smart-aleck comments. But I`ll stifle those urges, and just say that it`s not my job to persuade anybody to use Zaino. I use it. Its protective properties and shine are awesome.

06-27-2004, 12:41 AM
If you are truly interested follow this link and type in Zaino.


This reading should give you enough info for your decision on why you should or should not use Zaino.

06-27-2004, 12:49 AM
It will last a long time, despite the name `polish` but if you don`t want to go through the Dawn wash, etc and like what you are using now then stick with it. If you want to know if you would really like it though, you would have to try it yourself to see if it works for you.

If you want to try a very user friendly sealant system, Wolfgang is a good choice.

06-27-2004, 12:53 AM
Try the klasse twins(all in one and sealant glaze) followed by a caranuba topper like #16. I have yet to find a better combo then this.

06-27-2004, 02:26 AM
What in the hell is wrong with your camber? Also, how do you make it over speedbumps?

06-27-2004, 03:14 AM
I think it may be a trick in the picture that makes his camber so off looking.

06-27-2004, 05:43 AM
Some people love Zaino on it`s own, some love it more topped with a high-grade carnuba and some cannot stand Zaino.

Here is a good write-up on prep and application of Zaino:

Nick`s Zaino Tips (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23601&highlight=Zaino+tips)

The secret is applying it THIN THIN THIN! You wash you finish with Dawn or other high alklyne wash, clay the finish, wash again with Z7, polish every swirl and defect out as Zaino WILL enhance the defect.

Mix up ZFX/Z5, shake it up, let it then sit as you mist the finish with Z6 and wipe it off, mist your applicator, shake up the ZFX/Z5 mixture one more time and apply THIN. Streaks, mix Z7 (1/2 cap) to 12oz of distilled water. Spray that over any streaks and wipe off.

Z6 between coats, and only do 3 coats of one level of Zaino per day (Z5 or Z2).

Here`s the info on Show Car Shine from Sal Zaino:

Show Car Finish (http://www.zainostore.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=SGSF&Store_Code=Z)

Like other said, there are several other products that you may want to "play` with prior to Zaino. NXT, Klasse, Poorboy`s Wolfgang etc in the sealant line and P21S, Souveran, Natty`s, etc on the wax side.



06-27-2004, 08:42 AM
Geez, what the heck is with all the anti Zaino comments, anyway? Never mind, must be a trend. Last year people, including myself, were dissing Meguiar`s, especially the No. 20.

Anyway, OneCleanCL , as to your comments and questions on Zaino:

Dawn Wash - This depends on a number of factors. Do you have any existing wax or sealant on the paint? If so, then a Dawn wash is needed one time to remove anything that can interfere with Zaino properly bonding to the paint. What shape is your paint in? Do you need to remove any swirl marks, using something like 3M Swirl Remover or Meguiar`s No. 9 2.0 Swirl Remover? If so, then a Dawn wash is required to remove any residual oils from these products (see my previous comment about anything interfering with Zaino`s bonding). Do you need to clay the paint on your CL? If so, claying will generally remove any wax or sealant, as well as the contaminants. No Dawn wash needed then, Just a wash with Zaino Z-7 to clean up the paint after claying.

Loco is right about Zaino`s durability. I also have got 7 months or better out of Zaino, and that`s through a rough winter with lots of touch-less and even a few brush-less automatic car washes, and lots of typical Michigan road salt

I can`t speak for the question of depth on different colors. I don`t know, maybe my 45 year old eyes just don`t see it. On my medium green metallic Ford Taurus and my parents medium Blue metallic Ford Explorer, I couldn`t tell the difference between Zaino Z-2, Meguiar`s No. 20 and Meguiar`s No 26, for depth. I guess I`m not the best person to ask on that.

Is Zaino a little fussier than some for applying? Hell yes. Is it durable? Hell yes. Does it look good. That depends on the prep work you do, and I think many Autopians here, both Zaino users and detractors alike, will tell you, prep work is key to good results.

My .02 worth.

06-27-2004, 12:12 PM
Thanks for the comments so far guys, i appreciate it.

Lynn- I am not `daring` you to convert me to Zaino. I am asking questions about it.

As for everything else, the reason the camber is so off in the pics is cuz i have the car slammed to ground when i park. I have a full air suspension, which allows me to lower and lift to my pleasure. See, i even have it on my license plate~~~~~~~>http://home.earthlink.net/~cl30cl/tampa040626/tampameet12.jpg

All in all, the paint job is less than a year old, its garage kept, and i dont mind using wax, i wax the car on average 6 times per month. I know i know, im` anal. I was just looking to see if Zaino can enhance deepness and luster of the paint.