View Full Version : I think I know why people like high end Zymol waxes

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06-26-2004, 03:36 AM
Maybe I`m just bsing here but I think I know why some people like Zymol waxes SOOO much. First, it`s expensive, $40 (if I remember right) for 8oz so people might think, "wow, most expensive wax I`ve seen(besides Souveran), IT HAS TO BE GOOD!!!". Second, you couldn`t get it anywhere, like many brands of car care products (e.g PB, Clear Kote, Pinnacle) you couldn`t just get it off the shelf, you have to get it at a specific store or you have to order online so some people might think, "Hmm, rare stuff, must be something good.". Third, the way of application is very different from other waxes, applying with your bare hand?? wtf?? So some people might think, "Melt the carnauba with your bare hands, sounds complicated, maybe the result is worth it." Forth, the smell, I bet some people (not all) buy Zymol wax because it smells good right?? But some people might think, "It smells good so it has to be good." Fifth, the packaging, notice how every jar of hight end Zymol wax are in a fancy container?? So some people might think, "Nice packaging, the stuff inside must be good stuff.". Let me see, that`s all I can think of right now, maybe there are more points, anyways, hope I`m not bsing here :), no flames please, just my $0.02.

06-26-2004, 04:00 AM
all about the marketing...

06-26-2004, 04:29 AM
Originally posted by C-MDX

Maybe I`m just bsing here but I think I know why non-autopians and "professional detailer wannabes" like Zymol waxes SOOO much.

Originally posted by C-MDX

anyways, hope I`m not bsing here :), no flames please, just my $0.02.

You call Zymol users "non-autopians" and "professional detailer wannabes" then asked not to be flamed? Seriously mate, where else can the thread go when you back Zymol users into a corner like that? You should maybe think a little harder before posting.

The world is full of choices, and people choose to use Zymol. Who are you to have an uninformed opinionated stab at them? Variety, as they say, is the spice of life....

General Lee
06-26-2004, 04:45 AM
Originally posted by 6cyl`s_of_fury

You call Zymol users "non-autopians" and "professional detailer wannabes" then asked not to be flamed? Seriously mate, where else can the thread go when you back Zymol users into a corner like that? You should maybe think a little harder before posting.

The world is full of choices, and people choose to use Zymol. Who are you to have an uninformed opinionated stab at them? Variety, as they say, is the spice of life....

Ouch! 6cyl`s does have a point. Maybe He is thinking that autopians don`t use Zymol... I don`t know.

06-26-2004, 04:57 AM
Originally posted by 6cyl`s_of_fury

You call Zymol users "non-autopians" and "professional detailer wannabes" then asked not to be flamed? Seriously mate, where else can the thread go when you back Zymol users into a corner like that? You should maybe think a little harder before posting.

The world is full of choices, and people choose to use Zymol. Who are you to have an uninformed opinionated stab at them? Variety, as they say, is the spice of life....

So maybe I was bsing, I edited it, sorry.

06-26-2004, 07:34 AM
The chain of thought in life with all products is that the more expensive the product is the better it is

06-26-2004, 09:35 AM
"Emperor`s New Clothes" syndrome.

If you pay $40 for a product you`re convinced it is shinier and will last longer than a $14 one. Anyone else who can`t see the difference is one of the uneducated.

Every Autopian knows it`s the PROCESS and not the product, right? Nothing wrong with having favorites, I do, but the same results can be gotten with the process and other products. Even less expensive ones.

There is a $10,000 tin of Zymol out there somewhere. You have any idea what a custom show car paint job costs?

People are sometimes brain-dead.:LOLOL

06-26-2004, 09:39 AM
Hmm... I can`t help but think of another "Z" product when you say that stuff. The price is not quite as high as Zymol, though, and the application technique is a different kind of weird. Instead of using your hands, you wash the car several times, mix things together, and use QD between layers.

It`s possible this is why Zymol appeals to some people, and it may be why Zaino appeals to some people. And it may be why a million other products appeal to some people. Conversely, being cheap, easy to find, and simple to apply may be why other products appeal to some people. Products like EO WAUD as a one-step have appeal `cause hey it`s cheap, easy to find, and man is it simple to apply. You don`t even need a foam pad, just a towel or chamois or whatever rag you currently dry with. So for whatever reason they have appeal to some people who are suckers for a certain marketing angle be it expensive = better, cheap as dirt = better, difficult convoluted application = better, 1 second application = better, and so on.

But this doesn`t mean the products have no Autopian value also. In the end, to Autopians, it`s the results compared against cost or time or whatever metric a particular Autopian finds appealing that are what matter. We don`t all care about the same things be it price, gloss, beading, ease of use, durability, availability, slickness, shine, depth, smell, staining, etc... But we pretty much all care that a product meet the levels of whatever we care about. Maybe Zymol isn`t the bees knees for most of us due to the high or very high price, but it doesn`t mean the product doesn`t have any other value to it. If you care not a whit about price, and just want the deepest shine possible, or just want the most enjoyable time spent waxing then maybe Zymol is just the trick. I`ve no idea as I`ve never used any Zymol products, certainy none of the $100+ products. I can say that no matter how they perform, a $1100 wax will never meet my criteria as it totally blows away my price criteria. But that doesn`t mean it doesn`t meet other of my criteria or other peoples` criteria for what makes the perfect LSP. :wavey

Nick Chronis
06-26-2004, 11:06 AM
There are subjective as well as objective reasons for liking a product. When a Zymol user tells you he likes the look of Zymol, that`s pretty subjective and you can`t argue with that. When my friend, a hardcore Zymol user, tells me Zymol is extremely durable and that he get 3-4 months of protection on a daily driver parked outside 24/7......well......that`s when it becomes objective. And I TRASH him!!!:D

06-26-2004, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by NickC

There are subjective as well as objective reasons for liking a product. When a Zymol user tells you he likes the look of Zymol, that`s pretty subjective and you can`t argue with that. When my friend, a hardcore Zymol user, tells me Zymol is extremely durable and that he get 3-4 months of protection on a daily driver parked outside 24/7......well......that`s when it becomes objective. And I TRASH him!!!:D

What, he uses QEW?

Nick Chronis
06-26-2004, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by BW

What, he uses QEW?

No. There`s not one bead on the car. The water just lays on top. He thinks it`s in a "sheeting" mode.:lol

06-26-2004, 12:46 PM
to each his own one mans pill is another mans poison. Remember: its the art of detaling that many of us simply enjoy. thanks aurora.

detailing is a process not a product

Nick T.
06-26-2004, 01:38 PM
IMO C-MDX has hit the nail on the head, but went a little easy on the well deserved criticism of Zymöl marketing!

As has been said many times in this and other detailing forums - it’s not the product, it is the method and technique! The only way to know what product works best for your methods and techniques is to do side-by-side comparisons - - half of the hood with one product and the other half with another product - - and then see which product comes the closest to meeting your own personal needs.

I have over ten cans of high end carnaubas, and I’ve done many side-by-side comparisons on both my Jet Black and my Chili Red paints. I did not just do one comparison and then put the can on the shelf - - I have periodically gone back and given most products several other chances to show what they can do. Zymöl Carbon and Zymöl Z3 are far from the top of my list. Reportedly (but I don’t know from personal experience) Zymöl’s durability is not as good as most other high end carnaubas.

06-26-2004, 02:00 PM
Just wanted to thank Aurora40 for a great post, great read! :xyxthumbs

06-26-2004, 04:28 PM
Zymol makes some pretty good waxes actually, it is just that you can get equal or better shine/depth at a much lower cost. Pinnacle Souveran is expensive and looks great but to most people the slight improvement you get with it over cheaper waxes isn`t worth it. To those who can afford it, PS is a great wax. I would think it works the same way with Zymol. If you can afford it, like the appearance and don`t mind the weird bare hand application, you will be happy.