View Full Version : Hello?? is anyone`s car dirty??

10-12-2004, 09:44 AM
So I`ve spent about 2 weeks passing out fliers and business cards and introducing myself to this person and that person and doing everything short of ramming my business down someone`s throat. But!! still no phonecalls.
This is where I gotta ask the pro`s out there: How long did it take you guys before you got business? Is there something I`m doing wrong or not doing? It`s getting a little disouraging, but I`m not going to give up because I`ve made a commitment and I`d really love for it to work out.

10-12-2004, 09:51 AM
Its mostly a workd of mouht biz unless you have a garage that people can see as they drive by. Stay your course with the flyers and talking to people. It will come to you I know it seems like forever but it will get there.

10-12-2004, 09:57 AM
Man i could have written the same thread. i know exactly what you mean. the best way ive found to start off is hit everyone you know and see if they can get u some work. ive got most of my jobs though friends and there co-workers. tell em you will do theres for free if they can get u some people. once they see someones car u did they alot of times will want u to do their car. where r u in dallas? i grew up in richardson but i live in nc now. -420detail

10-12-2004, 10:00 AM
try doing some friends for free to get the word out - works wonders when they show up to work and people ask "who did you car"

10-12-2004, 10:07 AM
i sgree with 420 and groebeck i gave a freebi to a friend and she told all her friends, of course it would have been hard for her friends not to notice, i told her just let them think you paid for it and her free advertising got me 4 jobs,
now i just do this for fun and extra cash for christmas but it worked for me