View Full Version : Does 1Z PP need to be followed up by MP?

06-25-2004, 04:37 PM
Does 1Z PP need to be followed up by 1ZMP? Can I go from 1ZPP > AIO > SG or EX-P?

06-25-2004, 05:02 PM
Sure, you can do that. There is no set formula or rule here. After each step you need to re-evaluate the finish and decide what to use next based on your goals. Personally, I`m so happy with the results of 1ZPP that I rarely use a mild polish as a follow up. But maybe try a little side-by-side experiment and decide for yourself.

Bill D
06-25-2004, 05:04 PM
Not a definite but surely an added bonus if you just start with PP. I tried to abide by the rule least aggressive first but I`m finding using MP first to be a waste of time with no results so I almost always use PP first. I have found that MP afterward enahnces the glow of the finish rather nicely :up

06-25-2004, 05:10 PM

i just got my 1Z stuff in about 2 weeks ago and since have done 2 cars with it. I found that after PP on my BMW, i needed/wanted to follow with MP because there was slight micromarring. I used it again on a customers Sebring Conv. and that paint was fine after the PP and didn`t need anything else, but i figured what the heck, and did for a little added punch.

Sometimes, if PP leaves any small marring behind, following with MP will finish the job rather nicely. Other times, PP is fine in itself and topping with MP is optional.

For the most part, its all preference. On my BMW, i was just being anal cause she was new to me .... so i threw everything at it that i had! Most get very good results from PP alone, and i wouldn`t think you`d be any exception

One word of caution though. If your using AIO after, be careful because it will strip off the waxes left by the PP. The PP may look great after you apply, but after AIO, a few more swirls may pop up. Haven`t used AIO yet, but from what i hear, it strips oils and fillers under it.


Bill D
06-25-2004, 05:17 PM
Yeah, as extra reassurance that Klasse bonds properly when using 1z polishes before hand I spray each panel with isopropyl alcohol mix inbetwen using each 1z polish. So far though whatever defects that were present before the 1z I found still were gone after spraying with the alcohol mix :bounce

06-25-2004, 07:03 PM

One word of caution though. If your using AIO after, be careful because it will strip off the waxes left by the PP. The PP may look great after you apply, but after AIO, a few more swirls may pop up. Haven`t used AIO yet, but from what i hear, it strips oils and fillers under it.


That is why I use FP I as a last-step-polish. It strips the oils/fillers and giver you another chance to fix any remaining marring before applying any finish

06-26-2004, 12:07 PM
What is FP? I couldn`t find it on their website.

06-26-2004, 12:18 PM
It`s Menzerna Final Polish.