View Full Version : Anyone have a picture of dirty clay bar?

06-25-2004, 11:48 AM
Just wondering HOW dirty my clay bar should get before I stop using it. I`d like to actually SEE an example of how dirty it looks before you stop using it.

06-25-2004, 12:25 PM
Here`s a good pic from the Learn Icon above. I usually will fold it over before it gets to this level.


06-25-2004, 12:43 PM
Here is another picture taken from www.meguiarsonline.com.

This is before.


This is after.


06-25-2004, 01:38 PM
I never let my clay get this dirty. I use smaller pieces and throw them away very frequently. Clay is perfectly safe to use but at the same time it would be easy to really screw some things up if you are not careful.

As obsessive as some are on about washing and drying I can`t believe anyone would use clay that dirty. Clay bars are cheap compared to the possible consequences from a dirty clay bar.

06-25-2004, 03:17 PM
For me it depends.....Like when i am doing a full detail.....you have to remember that during the washing process and claying process....the small damages you could do should be taken care of during the polish stage.....for instance....to save time....I might be more harsh on getting the bugs off knowing that it`s gonna have to be polished out to remove stuff that is way worse than anything that I could do. I might do things that I would never do to a car that was already polished. So it all depends on if i`m spot claying to maintain a finish or i`m doing it as part of a larger process.

06-25-2004, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by bet993

I never let my clay get this dirty. I use smaller pieces and throw them away very frequently. Clay is perfectly safe to use but at the same time it would be easy to really screw some things up if you are not careful.

As obsessive as some are on about washing and drying I can`t believe anyone would use clay that dirty. Clay bars are cheap compared to the possible consequences from a dirty clay bar.

The dirty clay bar in the picture above became that dirty after claying only the hood of the Extreme Makeover i did to this Ford Bronco to demonstrate the cleaning ability of Meguiar`s ColorX.

1986 Ford Bronco II - Extreme Makeover (http://www.meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=88)

Had I used a smaller piece, it would have still become that dirty because this Bronco has not been detailed in any way for over three years or longer, and it sits outside in the desert sun everyday. The wind blows pretty hard around here and everything gets pretty dusty all the time.

Take my word for it, the paint was dirty both above the surface and below the surface.

After restoring the finish to this car, it will now sit out for the rest of it`s life getting dirty again. I has been washed one time since I detailed it and that was 3-months later. In my opinion, it wouldn’t be worth being thrifty with clay on a car like this because in the long run, it`s just going to be neglected.

I actually have a clay bar that looks worse around here for a Corvette I did a before and after on that sat outside for a known three years. It was in my office somewhere and I`m sure I have some pictures somewhere also.

You can see pictures of this car in this months issue of Corvette Fever,



So it wasn`t really a matter of letting my clay bar get that dirty, it started out brand new. It became that dirty with the first use. Granted, I could have, and should have split it into two pieces to be thrifty, but at the time I was hustling to do the entire makeover by hand, before the sun went down.


06-25-2004, 08:51 PM
Wow. My clay isnt` anywhere NEAR as dirty as what those bars in the pictures are (yet). I think I`m safe with mine for another claying. Thanks guys.

06-25-2004, 10:03 PM

I hope you dont take offense to me posting those pictures. I was just posting what YouGottaBeLeaf wanted to see.

I forgot to mention, obviously, that you were showing an EXTREME MAKEOVER.

Sorry again if I offended you.

06-25-2004, 10:24 PM
Heck no, when I read the article title on the home page the first thing I thought of was throwing the same pictures up that you did.

I might have that clay bar still around.... anyone want it?


06-26-2004, 01:37 AM
Hey Mike, you could sign your old clay, mount it in a glass case and then sell it on EBay for a zillion dollars as the "Meguiar`s Guru Clay".

06-27-2004, 04:45 PM
Mike I didn`t know it was your picture or your clay and I didn`t mean to offend you in the use of clay. As a professional you can use a clay bar with more success than myself. Additionally you know the conditions of the vehicle and what is the best coarse of action. But just seeing a picture without an explanation of why or under what condition it was used I thought it better to warn new users of the dangers of using dirty clay.

I should have stated my comments differently. I wanted to say that for someone starting out, letting a clay bar get to dirty can be hazardous to one`s finish. It only takes one piece of embedded material to make nice long scratches on a finish. Since I don`t do this for a living and I only detail my cars it is cheap insurance to quickly throw away pieces of clay when I suspect they may become slightly dirty. My personal stance is better safe than sorry. Sure this isn`t the most economical few, but since I only clay 1-2 a year it really isn`t that costly and is lot cheaper than damaging my cars.