View Full Version : Took the plunge...Got A Rotary

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06-25-2004, 06:05 AM
Talk about making a difference. I used it on my `92 Saturn and holy mother of wax:xyxthumbs Made the 12 YO paint look almost brand new:D I apologize for not having pics but I promise as soon as I do I`ll post some. Those things are amazing. Not as hard to use as I thought. But it will take some time to master. I found that 1750-2000 RPM`s are perfect. Nice even flow and motion. I was also very careful making sure I didn`t stay in one place to long for the dreaded paint burn. All-in-all not a bad experience. Thanks to everyone on the board here that has posted about rotaries and how to use them properly. You all get a virtual high five.:bow

The Beer Man:) :D ;)

06-25-2004, 06:53 AM
Used my new Makita last night for the first time too! Very exciting, and not as difficult as I was expecting. I have to say that I`m not a fan of the wool pad, but using IP with a red Meg`s cutting pad gets :up :up

I`ll have to actually finish the rest sometime:D I only had time for the hood (IP, FP, AIO, SGx1).

06-25-2004, 08:18 AM
thinksnow, does this mean you use the rotary for all the steps or just for polishing ?

06-25-2004, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by kartoon

thinksnow, does this mean you use the rotary for all the steps or just for polishing ?

No--I tried to use the rotary with the supplied wool pad (after washing) and wool went EVERYWHERE. I didn`t have the patience to deal with it, so I swapped it for a Meg`s red/maroon cutting pad for the Menzerna IP.

I used FP with the PC and a white polishing pad.

AIO and SG were both done by hand with mf applicators.

Bill D
06-25-2004, 05:07 PM
Wow, my practice panels are finally here. I gotta start mine up this weekend. I hpe I can get them so new looking the body shop will want to buy them back! :D

06-25-2004, 05:55 PM
I think everyone should have a rotary or at least access to one.

06-25-2004, 06:05 PM
When it comes to bringing paint to its best the rotary can`t be beat. If more people would try them they would see it`s not a big deal to handle. A little patience and care and you won`t believe the results. Enjoy your new toy:)

06-25-2004, 06:45 PM
man dont make threads like this. i JUST got my PC and havent gotten a chance to use it yet. haha

06-25-2004, 07:00 PM

Have you read aboht the Cyclo any? You will be wanting one of then soon enough, More powerful than a PC but safer than a rotary. I blamed my Cyclo on Anthony Orosco, but he took it like a man <grins>.

06-25-2004, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by NorCalZ71

man dont make threads like this. i JUST got my PC and havent gotten a chance to use it yet. haha


Gonzo--cruel words to follow Norcal`s plea:D

06-25-2004, 08:00 PM
Step up to the rotarty. I love mine. DON`T USE THE WOOL unless it`s heavily oxidized. Couple of mistakes i made when i started where, not applying enough pressure on the first couple of passes. Give it a decent amount, a little more than you would think. Keep the surface and pad wet otherwise it skips. Doing it good lighting so you can see your progress. Sometimes you won`t see them at first, but it can leave buffer swirls - not a problem to get out though.

Don`t get rid of the PC, it`s a perfect compliment to a rotarty. Use it for glazing and waxing.

Good Luck!!!

Auto Care USA
06-25-2004, 08:13 PM
If you can become a master at the rotary then you will comand and get top dollar for a detail. A rotary can do what no other polisher can do and that is give it`s maximum depth and clarity. It takes many years to become a master and you will make many mistakes along the way just hang in there and practice, practice, and then practice some more. Good Luck

06-25-2004, 08:48 PM
BTW, Meguiars made a great video for beginners (i own it) on how to use the rotary to remove defects. I think you can see some of it on their website under the video section.

06-25-2004, 10:02 PM

Dont mention that word Cyclo again. :nono

I have been considering buying one of these for quite sometime just dont look like it has a big pad selection. :nixweiss

06-26-2004, 06:34 AM
Originally posted by Unreal


Dont mention that word Cyclo again. :nono

I have been considering buying one of these for quite sometime just dont look like it has a big pad selection. :nixweiss

Get yourself one - you won`t regreat it! They are awesome machines.:bow