View Full Version : Newbie

06-23-2004, 01:58 PM
hi im new so please bare with me.

i have a 99 Acura CL, which i love.

i use to detail my other car every week but now that i have a real job it is harder and harder to find time to do so... but i want to get in the habet again,

i am a member of www.acura-cl.com and everyone there loves zaino for there cars...So i decided to buy some but have a few questions first

1 prep the paint seems to be the most important part.. my car is used and abused so it has spiderweb marks on it as well when you rub your hands over it, it feels like sand paper... so i was thinking of using the z18 clay bar or Gomit(?) clay bar... my question is wont this scract the paint more? and is the way zaino describes how to use it the best (with z7 to lube it)? after clay i should dawn it?

2. assuming i clayed and dawned the next step is z5/zfx to get out the spiderwebs? is z5 the best at doing this? can i use micro fiber for this or only cotton.?

3. then z2? then z5 then z2?

4.is the z6 spray worth it?

5. and i only have to do that 2 a year?

6. after that i just use z7 carwash and everything is cool?

7. i read all the reviews for the NXT and i thought about just getting that but it is not a polish right? so it would be for after i get everything else done?

8. what is the best towel to use cotton microfiber? i read on here that the bigblue towel is best for drying.. what is good for z5,z2?

9 my car seems to attract dust like no other will the zaino fix this?

sorry for the big post and repost of the same questions... just need some anaswers.. please dont rant or get into arguements just give me strait up answers with number. that would be great and thanks in advance... oh ya my car is DARK green almost black.


06-23-2004, 03:28 PM
1. Clay will help. That`s what it does, it removes those surface contaminants to give you a glass smooth surface to start on. You can use Zaino detailing spray with their clay, or Clay magic or Mother`s clay.

2. Even though Z5 is advertised as removing swirls, it`s a non abrasive product. It`s not going to yeild you too much in that area. You need to use a polish (Menzerna Intensive polish followed by Final Poish should work) to remove the swirls.

4. From what I hear, Z6 is some of the best detailing spray. Basically, you use it after a wash to give you that "just waxed" look.

6. Any premium car wash should work, but it must be free of waxes in order to layer more Zaino over it. If you are going to lay down 3 quick layers, then wash until you do the whole process again, just about any premium car wash will work.

7. NXT actually HAS some abrasives so it will do a little to correct swirls. Even though Zaino is called a polish, it`s really a non-abrasive polymer sealant. No polishing action.

06-24-2004, 09:28 AM
thanks for the info but what about the towel and microfiber for zaino??


06-24-2004, 10:01 AM
Sorry I couldn`t help more, I don`t use Zaino. I`ve just learned about it on here and other car forums.

I assume you can use either 100% cotton towels or MF towels. I got my MFs for pakshak.com and they are absolutely awesome. They do a great job on my Meguiar`s products.

I don`t know how dust attraction is with Zaino compared to other products. I do know that your longetivity is excellent with Zaino, one of the definate positives.

06-24-2004, 10:09 AM
ic thanks

but still have questions if morepeople could answer them who do use zaino

06-24-2004, 10:33 AM
~One man’s opinion / observations ~

Zanio Bros. was voted the number one synthetic polymer sealant by an independent testing body

(Guru Reports) its application process has a small learning curve, but once mastered the results are well worthwhile.

Zanio is a synthetic polymer wax, a compromise between a polymer sealant and a natural wax. The polymers do not require a lengthy cross-link (cure) time as ZFX is formulated to accelerate the time requirements. Z-2 produces the most gloss of the two synthetic waxes (although they’re labelled as polishes) it is more optically clear then Z-5 and will highlight any surface imperfections, whereas Z-5 will ‘hide’ very minor surface imperfections with fillers.

Zanio can be applied with a PC or a Microfiber towel. I would suggest you read “Enhance Your Zaino Experience†by DavidB

~Hope this helps~

Experience unshared; is knowledge wastedâ€/ Jon

justadumbarchitect * so I question everything *

06-24-2004, 10:41 AM
I`ve never seen Z5 hide or fill or do anything to mask imperfections in your paint/cc.

If it`s there before Zaino it will be there after Zaino.;)

06-24-2004, 11:13 AM
Having used Zaino the past couple of years, here are my findings.

Z5 has very very little hiding properties.

Z2 does give the paint more pop due to it`s increased optical clarity.

Z6 is a great detailer. Note: It actually rejuvenates and is not just a cleaner. I`m considering putting some in a spritz bottle and diluting it 50/50 with distilled water and seeing how that works out (some people here have tried it). Z6 isn`t cheap. Especially to clean up bird crap!

Z7 is also not a simply wash. It can help with protection and adds to maintaining the slickness and gloss.

Onto your questions:

1 prep the paint seems to be the most important part.. my car is used and abused so it has spiderweb marks on it as well when you rub your hands over it, it feels like sand paper... so i was thinking of using the z18 clay bar or Gomit(?) clay bar... my question is wont this scract the paint more? and is the way zaino describes how to use it the best (with z7 to lube it)? after clay i should dawn it?

The grittyness you are feeling is most likely industrial fallout and bonded contaminates. The claying will help with that. Spiderwebs and swirls shouldn`t be able to be felt persay.

Personally, I would use some Zaino Wash in a spray bottle with distilled water as lubricant rather than $$$ Z6. Claying shouldn`t scratch you car but make sure to roll the clay often. Cut it into smaller pieces, that way if you drop it on the floor, discard and start with a new piece. You can also clay your windows!

2. assuming i clayed and dawned the next step is z5/zfx to get out the spiderwebs? is z5 the best at doing this? can i use micro fiber for this or only cotton.?

Yes and No. If you don`t plan on polishing the paint to remove the swirls, then yes. If you plan on removing the problems, then polish first. Then dawn and Zaino. Z5 isn`t necessary. Save yourself some $$$ and go with Z2. The base coat of Z5 doesn`t really add all that much to it. Go either Z2 or Z5 only unless you are okay with putting down some extra $$. There`s no problem going 5 then 2.

3. then z2? then z5 then z2?

Z2 being more optically perfect, I wouldn`t change between Z5 / Z2 between every coat. Z5 / Z2 / Z2 / Z2. See above, you can skip the Z5 if you plan on going forward with Z2.

4.is the z6 spray worth it?


5. and i only have to do that 2 a year?

Well... yes and no. It`s best to apply often and it depends on where you live, whether it`s a garage queen or daily driver, parked outside continously, live in an area where it snows etc.

Generally, every 3 months is best. But on my moms vehicle that`s parked in doors and winter driven - every 6 months is about max on it.

6. after that i just use z7 carwash and everything is cool?

Z7, dry, Z6 final wipe.

7. i read all the reviews for the NXT and i thought about just getting that but it is not a polish right? so it would be for after i get everything else done?

See how you like the Zaino look. You can consider topping it off with a wax if you like (S100, No. 16/26 etc.) but I`d wait. Remember, if you top it with a wax, then it makes it difficult to keep layering it.

8. what is the best towel to use cotton microfiber? i read on here that the bigblue towel is best for drying.. what is good for z5,z2?

Personally, Microfiber from quality sources such as Pak, DT, Autopia store etc. Cotton is good for wax removal and removing No. 7 but with microfiber you can`t go wrong. If you go cotton, get very high quality towels i.e. 100% Cotton (Pima quality).

9 my car seems to attract dust like no other will the zaino fix this?

Yes and no. Waxes can tend to attract more dust. Zaino isn`t bad but it`s not the greatest either.


06-24-2004, 11:37 AM
WOW Paco you are so helpfull!!!!!

but back up to #2 you say to polish first then z2 it, what is a good polish to remove the spidermarks? and i can use a microfiber for zaino?

and one more when washing should i use a sponge or a microfiber towel?


06-24-2004, 02:19 PM
Where do you live?

Do you have access to Meguiar`s Professional or Bodyshop line of products?

Are you willing to order online and wait a few days?

Do you have a Porter Cable DA or Rotary Polisher?

Do you have a picture of the spiderwebbing?

Most likely, something like Meguiars No. 9 / Swirl Free Polish or Speed Glaze would do the trick. 2 applications may be required.

Otherwise, 1Z Paint Polish could be usefully as well. There are a number of really good polishes out there. It comes to what you want or have familarity with, what`s availalbe locally or if you are okay with online purchasing.

I`d also recommend following up either one of those polishes with S100 SEC (Shine Enhancing Cleanser) - Harley Davidson motorcycle shop or Vanilla Moose before the Dawn Wash to give it a really high level of polish.


06-24-2004, 06:52 PM

i live in ohio

i do order online

no pc

and ill take a pic as soon as it gets sunny, which in ohio is rare. :)


06-24-2004, 08:25 PM
Sounds like you are on your way. You may want to check out the Autopia Store (http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?autopia+ufAdJU+index.html+) for microfiber towels and applicators. The MF app`s may be good for Zaino, I don`t use Zaino either, but all of David`s stuff is high quality and reasonably priced. You can get several of the products mentioned in this thread there. Good luck and let us know how it`s goes for you.